Chairman’s Business Networking Blog, Thursday 18th September 2014.
Congratulations on a good turnout, 21 in all.
A simple but important Ed Slot delivered by our worthy Education and Development Officer. It was something of a call to arms. We have two very successful and well run Synergy Teams which do raise a very useful forum for members to get more information about each other and improve the chance of referrals. Paul Booth chairs the Professions/Finance Group and Richard Reed the Business to Consumer. Members should try and attend one of these each month. Why not bring a visitor to the next meeting you attend.
Another way of getting referrals if of course is the 60 second round.
Michael Adelizzi was first up offering his diverse products, from tiles to toilets.
Marcelle Saad has returned from her wanderings and told of the Sapphire suitable for 45th wedding anniversaries. The blue apparently comes from Titanium and Iron.
Mike Rogers was next and gave us a rundown of the year so far… and he was cheerful…and he didn’t complain about the car park…. and he took up 3 minutes.
Nick Cooke read a letter from his optician without glasses.
As if to compensate for the excesses of Mike Roger’s offering, Dean Caldon simply stood up and agreed with his analysis and was about to sit down when he suddenly realised he needed to let us know he is both an Estate and Letting Agent.
Alan Shaw is having problems with local authorities which era such that it rendered him speechless for 30 of his 60 seconds. However in the whimsy stakes he was second to Nick Cooke this week…please try harder!
Richard Reed caught me by surprise, I was sure he was saying “you buy…”if you like that part of the world. He mentioned this once or twice in-between giving us prices for something or other. To all intents and purposes I picture him as an Arab Trader in a far eastern market, “You buy?….” There was a subsequent email that circulated members later on in the day that must have meant he was uncertain. “You buy” in fact was Dubai and you can get some really great deals from £475.00 per person… if you like that sort of thing.
Kevin Brooks rose to his feet sporting a tasteful but “full on” shirt. Scott Griffiths will be the arbiter of who describes the colour most accurately of the said builder’s shirt. Please comment accordingly below.
The real winner of the shirt of the week however was Howard Bullock. Thank you Howard for also maintaining that summery feeling amongst the group. The outfit was finished off with Mr Bullock resplendent in shorts and wearing bumpers and those socks that you can’t see…quite.
Having singled out messrs. Shaw and Cooke as purveyors of whimsy it would be unfair not include within this much revered clique our “spark”, Allan Moller. He talked about an old girl, some sort of quote that turned into an explanation.. and she didn’t really need an electrician. Also an attempt at his tag line which failed because not only did he forget it but so did the rest of us.
It was clearly going to be an exceptional effort that won the Oscar; it was Stuart Smallcombe who told of 55ins of high definition. Apparently size is everything and you can see more of this at his show on the 15th October 2014. It might be worthwhile hiring a coach. I will leave that to Janice Bentley-Pearson.
So the converted slot, 10 minutes of sheer ecstasy was this time the pleasure of David Plumley. He did a Q & A which was welcomed and well received. He attracted both nerdy and dinosaur enquiries yet he fielded them all with the equanimity that is the hallmark of his success, well done David. So overwhelmed was he with his success that he came back to the top of the table to sit down before realising that he had to do the running. I cannot remember how many years he has been a member,…sufficient anyway.
And as to the Referral and Testimonial round, it lived up to all expectations, almost £19,000 worth of business recorded and 18 referrals.
I am definitely looking forward to next week when I hope to see an equally well attended meting which will only been beaten by perhaps one or two visitors as well.
ok so i’ll start us off and say that the shirt was “electric pink”.
Great lively meeting and had a really good 121 with Janice Bentley-Pearson. If you haven’t already arrange a 121 with her!
The colour is cerise. I used to have a similar shirt.
It was a strong, manly pink. And of excellent quailty material. Kevin is clearly paying himself too much.
Well done on the Oscar Stuart. And to continue my answer about wireless deadspots … within a BUSINESS it is better to add wireless to a deadspot by first running physical cabling to the area and then adding a Wireless Access Point. The other two solutions i covered are OK for home or small office use.
A great meeting, well done on the Oscar Stuart.
It was probably “the boss” who chose the cerise shirt, I can only imagine the verbal abuse he would receive from a bunch of builders.
It was Dubai (apparently I need speech lessons) altho I do fancy a try at “roll up, roll up” etc etc and it was from £875 for a 5* including flights & half board!!
I would also like to pick up on the Synergy meetings and ask you to add the dates to your diaries for future gatherings please.
All in all, an excellent meeting once again.
There was nothing wrong with Kevin’s shirt although not sure about Howard’s (only joking) every good meeting and look forward to next week. Have a good weekend everyone.
Opps that should have said a very good meeting not every!