What to do if a customer or client does not pay you

TM Law Solicitor Terry Maylin provides an expert guide to the legal recourses open to freelancers and small businesses when all other options to resolve non-payment have been exhausted.  As a freelancer, considering taking legal action against a non-paying client can be a daunting prospect. There’s often a delicate balancing act, especially with long-term customers.…

Time to bash the ash.

It is about this time of the year that New Year resolutions fall by the wayside and the most common one is to STOP SMOKING. The smoker is full of good intentions, well motivated and the will power is strong, however, many smokers have said that although they are very strong willed and when they…

Manage Employee Holiday Leave

As a business owner you don’t need to fear the Spring and Summer School Holidays, and the spike in requests for employee holiday leave that naturally occurs. It is possible to successfully deal with multiple requests for time off, and in this blog TM Law solicitor Aidan Squire will show you how. “Employee holiday leave…

Small Business Debt Recovery Process

Give us two minutes, we’ll demonstrate how a Directors’ Agreement has the power to safeguard your debt recovery process. We have no doubt that you’ll agree, it’s important that you are paid for the goods and services your business has provided.  Because late payments – or people trying to avoid payment – is costly.  Not…

Blogging: Race to be ranked

2016 was the year blogging went intergalactic.  But I’m not talking about teenage girls’ blogging about lipstick; I’m talking about businesses. The reason is that Google search algorithms recognise and reward businesses producing high-quality and relevant content way more than those firms who simply throw money at technical SEO. So, in the race to rank…