Chairman’s Blog – Meeting Thursday 10th May 2012
27 members present 1 visitor – Charlie Copping from Coopers bringing Minis and BMW’s to the masses. She was parked in the car park before 6 a.m. I commend her enthusiasm I do so as being the one who was already in the car park watching her arrive.
Having won the Performance League last month Paul Booth is out in front this month, but he will not be there next week so let’s see if we can have a different winner this month.
It is always good to induct a new member and it was Mike Topping’s turn today and he even got his Certificate on time – welcome Mike.
And so as always to the 60 second round.
Jason Nortey was bell man and gave a confident and bold unembarrassed performance. John Bird having filled the Ed Slot was first up and continued to walk around a lot in his presentation. Michael Adelezzi was never going to outdo his excellent T-shirt. If they do tiles like that I am up for a bathroom full. Steve Carmichael-Brown appeared all together too fit to be enquiring about Care Homes and of course he was only interested in their roofs. Kevin Brooks also looked fit enough and he was also interested in roofs (Ah – a theme at last!).
David Plumley spent his 60 seconds promoting Adele – it was Adele wasn’t it?
Joan Jaggernaught brought us the letter “F” – Fitness, Flexibility, Fulfilment and Flatulence. The group session will probably be good when she does her 10 minutes. Brian Painter normally is one of the last people to deliver his 60 seconds which is just as well because his topics can often adversely affect you if you have just finished eating your breakfast. Today was no exception as he described the plucking of hair and the nibbling of its root. Nervous habit or was he describing some sort of Kelvedon Hatch delicacy.
We had not expected to see our resident Bard for some weeks, but not only did he turn up, but he regaled us with a wonderful piece of Lewis Rolls extravaganza. His invitation to all was “keep your passages clear” an epithet that we can all live by and the Oscar was well deserved.
Tina Walker’s 10 minute biography was well received which led us in good time into the referrals and testimonial section. Scott had previously reported our current average recorded” money received” had us on course for a million pounds of business passed between members this year. This was supported by this week’s recorded business of £22,148.00 and 26 referrals – well done everybody.
I leave the meeting to the tender mercies of Brian Painter for the next 2 weeks and look forward to seeing you all on my return from holiday.
May all your mornings be Thursday mornings…………