Chairman’s Business Networking Blog Tuesday 10th June 2014. 20 members present, 1 visitor, Chanel Shayler, a guest of Katie Adams.
This week Nigel delegated the Ed Slot to Hugo Heij. As a professional Ed Slotter much was expected. Always the traditionalist Hugo produced the flip part of the flip chart in order to illustrate how you can go round in circles.
The more serious point is we should always review our business on a regular basis, check how well we are doing. The proposition was that we can always learn from our mistakes. When he posed the question, how we went about analysing this he missed the obvious answer “…makes lots of mistakes…”.
In future weeks if any of you feel like putting in a guest appearance of the Ed Slot, just contact Nige.
After the Ed Slot we produced a new item, the draw for the World Cup raffle. Notable was Hugo capturing Brazil and Scott Griffiths bagging Iran..for the second time (he did the same in the Brentwood meeting raffle).
The 60 second round produced no real theme this week, but as always, there were one or two little gems.
Debra Glover, rather poshly adopting her Dr. title then proceeded to tell us all about clearing out your guts with something that was nutritional, good for Vegans and gluten free. Debra is someone to look out for in future 60 second rounds.
Christine Arnold forgot her name and called herself Kestrel. It’s nice to see somebody so dedicated that they spend their waking life associating themselves with their business.
Jim Henshaw suffered memory loss at the end of his 60 seconds, he was going to say something interesting, it almost came back to him… we were all tantalised, and then it went again. Jim , an LPA at “mates rates” is available!
Chris Adams has discovered a problem which Debra Glover’s products might help shift! Apparently there is a virus going round “game over Zeus”. This is the electronic equivalent of man flu. Why does nobody get the common cold these days?
Robert Osborne, after a couple of week’s absence stood up and produced the saying of the week “…what can I say about mortgages and not be boring…” This statement was followed by a rather nervous laugh. Well!!!! Come on guys, this is your chance. Add in the comments to this Blog anything he could say about mortgages that was not boring. Keep it short…
Hugo had mesmerised himself with one of the flips of his flip chart and produced the flip side of his flip to show how Brazil were going to be lining up in the World Cup, 4 2 2 1 1, total football if ever I saw it.
Things settled down for a while until Nige Kirby rose to his feet, then sank to his knees and crawled under the table. I will refrain from further comment…
Adam Hotson has been acting for a client that he described as “a small children’s nursery”, you don’t have to be politically correct Adam, you can call them midgets.
It’s not often that a 60 second round is reported on by me without mentioning Brian Painter. This meeting was no exception. He awarded the Oscar to Richard Willis who was extolling the virtues of retaining clients.
It was Vivienne’s turn for the 10 minute presentation and she put herself and us all though “trial by computer and television”. The only hitches were technical however and she gave us a better insight into her business and she should be given full marks in attempting technology; I’ve been scared off for life. Well done Vivienne.
By the time we came to the referrals and testimonials round we were running slightly short on time although plenty of activity, another week with 10 referrals. Let’s try for more next week.
Good meeting as usual…and full marks to Vivienne for getting through her slot with all the technical problems she had! (I’ve got my fingers crossed for mine in two weeks). Nice picture Aidan!….hope we all have a great week….and I’m fully behind Australia and Bosnia in the World Cup!!
I don’t find mortgages boring, but then I don’t get out much………………….
Need to use Robert services in a few weeks so hoping he can make mortgages entertaining!!
I’ll see what delights I can conjure up for next week, love the wit Mr Chairman!