Chairman’s Blog Tuesday 15th October 2013.
13 in all with guests Ross Williams and Alan Burton (Web Designers), Ian Douglas (Glass and Windows), Stuart Smith (Security) and visiting for the second time Perry Greenhill (Printer).
It is our expectation that Perry will be joining. Well done everybody, keep the visitors coming.
Nigel Kirby is on holiday and was missed but Brian Painter stood in for him and delivered the Education slot. Very usefully it was a breakdown of the 60 second presentation which was both helpful and well received.
Suitably inspired and instructed, Robert Mayes cracked off with a request for extension work, Jason Nortey was looking for installation of mobile phone systems in cars and Adam Hotson was once again looking for work on company accounts.
Jim Henshaw warned of not declaring to a home insurance company that you had an effective security alarm system otherwise, if you failed to switch it on and there was a burglary they might not pay out. This was backed up by Stuart Smith, one of our visitors, who deals with security systems.
As always Brian Painter brightened up our morning. He says that someone “…brought her daughter to me…” It all sounds very medieval and I had a vision of Brian exercising his seigneural rights over some demure blushing bride to be. In fact it was nothing like. The poor girl who as a trampolinist could do all sorts of flips and somersaults both back and forward until, suddenly, at the age of 14 developed a fear of doing back somersaults. Brian put her right and rather surprised me by saying he was looking for people with sporting phobias rather than just people who cannot do back flips. We would all have probably signed up there and then!
It was left to Anne Clarke to win the Oscar for describing some of her new clients and the work she was doing for them. Well done Anne.
The highlight of the meeting was probably Scott Griffiths’ 10 minute slot, when he took us through, with the aid of a projector, his Letter from Santa Website. He successfully managed to showcase the site itself and how it worked but also generally gave us an insight into selling through a Website. A very effective 10 minutes. His speakers prize was won by Jason Nortey. I did not spot what the prize actually was. Perhaps an opportunity for Jason to install a mobile phone system in Santa’s sledge.
We have had a great two weeks with visitors. Let’s keep it up for the rest of the month if only ensure that none of us are forced into cross-dressing or a donation of £10.00 to charity.
Ho Ho Ho, I’m glad you liked my website.
I’ll be emailing you all a discount code to use when you create your own letters on my website which will give you a 30% discount.
Merry Christmas,
Very enjoyable meeting. The visitors must have been pleased with what they saw. Lets hope so.
Another good meeting. Well done Anne for winning the Oscar. Excellent presentation by Scott. All I need are a few secret mistresses hidden away then I could send an adult Santa letter to them! Once again an entertaining blog.
Hello Scott
Just letting you know that Ian Douglas will be attending the meeting again, and I, am trying to
convince him of the prospects in joining