David Plumley was back after his holiday break and it was very very cold, -4.5c when I scraped my windscreen at 5.30.am. EBF are however of sterner stuff and there were 21 members present and one visitor.
The Performance League
Rather surprisingly showed me in the lead. I am afraid it won’t last but this could be my big chance.
Education Presentation
Although David Plumley was back in harness, it was Scott Griffiths who was destined to give the Ed Slot. His subject was the anatomy of our individual entries on the EBF website. He urged us to revisit our entries and he then gave us a check list; a useful and informative reminder. I hope you have all gone away and checked.
- Check your contact information
- Check your company logo
- Have you got a “Mark Of Excellence”? If not, then go and apply for one from the link on our homepage.
- Check your location on your map
- Check that the contact form works – send yourself a test message
- Check your social media links
- Send some descriptive information to explain whatever your business does
- Choose and send up to 12 photos for your photo gallery
- Supply up to 10 of your best testimonials
The 60 Second Round
Tina Walker was adjudicating the Oscar and Stuart Smallcombe was our stand in bell man.
Consistent with her obligations to judge the Oscar award, Tina Walker was first up and appealed for businessmen who were “snowed under” to give her an opportunity to assist them and help their life balance. Her use of the term “snowed” under might well be prophetic.
Although the School of Whimsey has been disbanded, Nick Cooke began his 60 seconds with a quotation from Jabberwocky. His theme was clarity with what you always get with one of his structural survey reports.
Terry Maylin held himself out as an expert on the Range Rover Sports warranty, he has 4 cases at the moment and picked up another one after the meeting. Amazing!
Richard Reed was all about flexibility. The offers he produces might be date specific as offers but, be it hotel, flight or any other aspect of the holiday, he can arrange it for the dates specific to you.
Next came the 60 seconds that would colour the meeting. Toby Acton wanted to get into bed with various members, figuratively or metaphorically as this might have been intended, he persisted with the term “get into bed” and then listed who would be most suitable.
Next up was John Freeman who has a project refurbishing a one bedroom flat. There you are Tony, you could even meet John at the flat; there is at least a bed!
The Mayor of Gants Hill was very much message, he started by tucking his shirt into his trousers. This seemed to give him the idea that he was a fashion icon. His self-description was “middle aged git at Bond Street”. However stylish his shirt, he did well to then move on and pitch for design books that showed people showing off clothes. All pictures that I could see had one characteristic, they all looked a lot better than our Vincent. He test for all presenters this week was whether they were suitable to get into bed with Tony Acton. Vincent might be relieved to learn that he did not pass this test.
In Jill Willis’s absence, the School of Logical Positivism made, at best, a stuttering start. Saj Sreedharan was talking Valentine’s Day and roses, not only red. His was a fairly punchy performance as was Mason Edwards who is looking for car showrooms to clean so that the shine he puts on the floor can be compared with the shine on the cars for sale. Scott was equally to the point, email addresses should be looked at and made professional. Keep your eyes open for contacts who do not have such an email address and refer them to Scott.
Brian Painter is always interesting as to the sort of problems that he is dealing with. This year it was a 15-year-old with colitis. Its effect was that he went to the toilet a lot. It is assumed that these were number “2s” but not clear. The poor lad was losing strength and not being helped with medication he was receiving, Our Pilgrim set him straight and it now looks as if it is likely he will be suffering from constipation going forward.
And who won the Oscar; Richard Reed for his flexible approach.
This weeks statistics and points of note
- 21 Members present
- 1 visitor attended
- 26 Referrals
- £10,000.00 worth of business recorded
- Richard Reed won the Oscar
- John Hammond was the 10-minute presenter.
10-minute presentation by John Hammond
A proper use of slides was at the heart of John Hammond’s presentation about his business. It was appropriately
Illustrative and any shortage of questions at the end of his presentation was a tribute as to how good he is in setting out what he did, where he did it and what he looked like. Well done John
Good morning, a great 10 minutes from John H and plus a great meeting although a few missing but we gave a good impression to our visitor Ashley and hopefully he will join. Have a great weekend see you next Thursday.
As always a great meeting with lots of laughs. Brilliant 10 minute presentaion by John, I certainly learned more about what he does.
See you all next week.
Welcome back David! Sorry we didn’t order the hot weather for you.
That’s a great Ed slot – thank you Scott, I will try to work through those!
great 10 minutes John – nice bed sheets Toby!
Did anyone else see the beautiful sunrise over the snow topped trees?
I sat on the wrong side unfortunately.
Yes I saw it and it was beautiful . The phrase “Red sky in the morning , Shepherds warning” came to mind and later in the day as I peered through the snow from my cosy office , I did just have a pang of guilt watching John & Blake out in our carpark trying to fix our gates .
A very enjoyable meeting, excellent 10min presentation from John, super ed slot from Scott, and a great blog to boot, hope Ashley joins, and welcome back David.
see you all next week 😎
Another excellent meeting. Kicked off by Scott telling us how to improve our profile, humerous 60 seconds (and I won the Oscar Whoo Hoo), very informative 10mts from John AND a visitor who would be mad not to join us – Ashley I hope you’re seeing this. See you all next week.
The meeting started well with a very good education slot from Scott and ended well with a very informative 10 minutes from John whose work I know first hand as they are currently upgrading our electric gates into a thing of beauty and perhaps more importantly to comply with New Health & safety regulations. John clearly fully understands his industry and I have no hesitation in recommending him. The bit in between was as usual business like and amusing.
Great meeting, Thanks Anna Marie for a 1-1 after. I also enjoyed the sun rise as I was facing the right way. It made everyone look heavenly on the left side of the room.
Great meeting and for those who sat on the “right ” side the sunrise was spectacular as was the 10 minutes from John Hammond who knows his stuff and does quality throughout, lets hope we see a few more faces at the meeting over the next few weeks!
As I was attentively listening to Sparky giving his 60 seconds, my gaze was diverted to a stunning sunrise, which I photographed. It would have been stunning, but Alan Moller was in the way. Apart from that, I enjoyed the meeting and my guest did too.
Excellent meeting as usual. Fun too. Good blog. A very good 10 minute presentation from John too. And a pleasure to see the sun rise and lighten up the room even if we couldn’t feel its warmth. See you all next week.
Sorry to have missed your 10 minute presentation John! Looking forward to seeing you all next week.
A timely reminder from Scott regarding our info on the EBF website. One advantage of sitting near the coffee counter is that I do hear and see the 10 minutes presentation and John’s was excellent. Such technology, where will it end? Phones that take photos? Cars that don’t need petrol? The down side of my place is that I don’t always hear what is said at the top end of the room…………..
Wow, 16 comments already!, guess i should be getting some photos together for the website. Shame i didn’t get to see the sunrise but the photo looked good, have a great weekend all.
Really enjoyed the meeting. Great 10 minutes from John – really made it clear what he does and who he does it for. Can we arrange fir the sunrise every week?
Great meeting as always, Johns 10 minutes really showed his company’s capabilities and his expertise. Sadly I had my back to the sunrise so will be making sure I change sides ! have a great weekend all and see you in two weeks 🙂 PS well done Richard for getting the Oscar too