Pre meeting we were all greeted by bright sunshine and we went on to talk about Birthday Greetings given and not received by the technologically inept and the frequency of the sales of Lego sets. Our numbers reached 29 by the time we kicked off at 7.30 am following our new start time of 7.20 being not quite adhered to.
The Performance League
Sarah Steel leads the way with 225 points.
Education Presentation
Ben Golding used his turn to remind us of important etiquette in relation to the meeting and it is perhaps worth repeating his bullet points.
- Log in on time (remember 7.20am start time). 7:00 is a good time to allow for some open notworking.
- The 60 second round. Keep your presentation to 60 seconds (there is a reason why we call it the 60 second round) and avoid inappropriate language or topics.
- Rehearse all of your presentations, both 60 second and 10 minutes and make sure your 10-minute presentation is in fact 8 minutes plus 2 for questions.
- The aim is to make the most effective use of the time when we present to fellow members.
- Comfort breaks of any kind should be accompanied by a blanking of your screen and mutinng of your mic.
- Pay attention to what your fellow members are saying so as to inform yourselves for giving referrals which are the lifeblood of our organisation.
- Don’t use “chat” during the meeting. It’s rude to other members.
- When not your time to be talking, always best to keep yourself on mute to avoid any unnecessary noises.
New Member Induction & Existing Member Renewal
Terry Maylin announced that Jane Malyon is now a fully fledged Member. Welcome, Jane.
The 60 Second Round
Sarah Steel was our Oscar adjudicator as well as warning us against falling foul of Loan Sharks… that’s anyone who lends without proper authorisation.
Kieron Peaty in particular is looking for people wanting to convert commercial units into residential.
Jane Malyon showed us a product she is selling that is aimed at the Christmas market. Buy early and avoid disappointment! Please let me know in your comments to this blog if you know how many shopping days we have left.
Howard Bullock as part of his retirement planning starts from how the retiree is intending to spend his/her time in retirement as this helps define income requirements.
Mason Edward’s version of the Toby Acton “deep dive” is the domestic carpet “deep clean”. Toby by contrast showed admirable restraint over all matters SCUBA and settled for wanting to know where you are and where you want to be.
Brian Painter in dealing with compulsive behaviour not only deals with addressing hair pulling and sickness during pregnancy but also with eating compulsion that has you getting up in the middle of the night for food which presumably could involve a fry up at Why seek treatment!
If you are concerned about a potential increase in CGT that could rise from 5% up to 18% you should consult Paul Booth.
Still on the birthday theme, Scott Griffiths announced that WordPress is celebrating its 18th birthday.
Richard Reed was almost optimistic with the suggestion that very soon flying restrictions might be lifted to the Greek and Spanish Islands. Get your suitcases out…..if only for Richard!
Given the number of 1 2 1’s Jane is attracting, cream teas remain the meal of choice for several of our members and as a subject matter for 60 seconds it was certainly popular with Sarah Steel who awarded her the Oscar. An Oscar on your first week as a member cannot be anything other than a Record. Well done Jane.
Meeting Secretaries Report
So far this month £34,000 worth of business has been recorded, coupled with 28 referrals making a referral currently worth £1,200.
10-minute presentation by William Verner
It was William Verner’s maiden voyage. His accomplishments include Karate, ballroom dancing and posing for photographs with various prime ministers. His ten minutes was equally accomplished as he clearly set out the nature of his business with a series of informative slides. We have already got the Bard of Hadleigh and the Mayor of Gants Hill. I think we can safely add the Karate Kid to this list.
Hare Coursing
This weeks game of hunt the hare was spotted by only one of us, Ben Golding. The hare protector this week was Simon Essex and he cleverly disguised our nimble target by hiding him in and amongst several spider plants, shining a light on him and completing the disguise by knocking off both of his ears. Next week, hopefully with both ears glued on it will prove an easier prospect for us all.
Great meeting and fantastic first presentation from William! Definitely a man that knows his business! Plus such an interesting background!
Though I’m very pleased I was able to just spot the hare in time!!
Have a great bank holiday everyone and see you all next week 😁
Congratulations William on your first 10 minutes and our new member this month, Jane. Great meeting and enjoy the extended weekend!
I would like to stress, I did not hide the hare so purposely to make it hard. The light behind was an act of god, great meeting and lovely to hear such interesting things about William.
Very timely ed slot from Ben and a comprehensive presentation from William; I knew he wasn’t just a pretty face! A well deserved Oscar to our happy, smiling new member, Jane.
Enjoy the sunny weekend and go mad!!
A fascinating presentation from William. What a character!
Looks like I missed a great meeting watching the video back. Gingernuts are the biscuit to donk in coffee. As well as find the Hare you can also play whose camera has not been set to display then the correct way round “Scott”
or were you wearing a SSOB tee shirt. Great to hear Jane as joined. Have a good weekend all.
Very well spotted! Yes I do have my video set to “mirror” so that when I move my left hand here, the left hand moves on the screen on the same side too. Will make sure that in future I wear clothing without any text on it!!!
Welcome Jane to our group, great ed slot Ben and great 10-minute presentation William it’s nice to know about people as well as their business. Great bellman Vincent too. have a great bank holiday and see you all next week.
Insightful 10 tens from William and I can’t wait to hear more of your stories over a drink or 2 in the future
Very interesting meeting, fantastic presentation from William. There is evidence of a real talent to present when I found someone talking about money lending etc. so interesting!
A new member winning the Oscar , a fairly new member giving an excellent first 10mts and another fairly new member leading the league table… us old un’s will need to pull our socks up.
A big welcome to Jane – really fantastic to have her in this group! Great first presentation from William. I have started to dream of Vince’s voice telling me my time is up…
Another great meeting with a brillianr presentation from William. Welcome Jane, lovely to have you in the fold and well done to Ben for providing a reminder of meeting etiquette. See you all Thursday.
Well done Will on an interesting 10 minutes!
Good to have Jane on board
Onwards and upwards👍
I was unable to make the meeting but I have seen the recording. Well done everyone and especially the 2 presenters.