On a bright sunny morning 23 of us met which included I guest being Roger Malyon long suffering husband of Jane Malyon.
The naughty corner was not only back up to its full compliment with Howard Bullock’s return but also sported a new street sign indicating that it is the Naughty Corner !!
The education slot was given by Vincent Goode who encouraged us to look out for new members as visitors and gave us out some business cards to give to potential visitors which he assures us are laminated and waterproof and can even be taken into the sauna! I look forward, next week, to hearing from anyone who has tested the cards in this manner!
Vince made the excellent point that the more people we have at the group the more referrals we will all get.
The 60 second round kicked off with Melissa who won the Oscar last week and who reminded us that if you receive paperwork from a liquidator don’t ignore it but return the proof of debt and proxy forms if you want a chance of recovering any money.
Stuart Smallcombe was very specific about what he is looking for from us which are small I.T companies including one-man bands who will need to provide the services that Stuart offers and he would like to partner up with them to.
Tina Walker reminded us to look out for small businesses that need support while they are on holiday and she can take care of their phones and deal with their business needs while they relax on holiday.
Toby Acton is looking for clients for his motivational mapping for either start-up businesses or those businesses that have been around for a while but have become stale and need some assistance.
Kieron Peaty read out a glowing testimonial from a client of his who were delighted with the service and support that he offered them during their project.
Scott Griffiths told us that if we look enviously at those companies whose name comes out top on google searches and you would like your business to be there, he can help explain how it is done and how you can get there.
Sarah Steel and Ben Golding both explained how they are helping people with the soaring cost of living including energy prices each in their own inimitable way.
Neil Bellham brought in full size samples of his various Chilli Republic products for a bargain price of £5 each to EBF members and there seem to be plenty of takers!
Howard Bullock on his maiden 60 seconds after his long lay off encouraged us to refer clients to him who were looking to take money out of their limited companies in the most tax efficient way.
The Oscar was awarded to Kieron Peaty for sharing with us his testimonial from his clients.
Ben Ben Golding introduced todays 10 minute presenter and reminded us of the next three weeks speakers who are Scott Griffiths, Neil Bellham and Toby Acton.
This weeks speaker after an excellent build-up by Ben was Jane Maylon ably assisted by her husband Roger. They proceeded to give out some tins and labels to one group and cardboard boxes and ribbons to another group of members to see how good they are at wrapping things.
While that was going on Jane conducted a quiz to see how much we have been listening to her presentations over the past few months. The questions ranged from the strange to the even stranger including whether her Grandad got a C.B.E for keeping tea moving during the war and asking is Crab an allergen ?!
An excellent and memorable presentation from Jane Maylon and we wouldn’t expect anything less from such an accomplished speaker.
The referral and testimonial round was a lively affair with plenty of referrals around the room and thank you for the money given and received. Scott did a referral reality check and that all seems to be working nicely and the door prize draw was won by Terry Maylin and he was delighted to receive 2 gifts from the English Cream Tea Company!
There was a final announcement confirming the EBF ten pin bowling tonight from Brian and an enthusiastic show of hands for Karting was given to Brian’s inquiry as to who would be interested in attending an EBF Karting event.
We finished early enough to enable those who were able to have a 1-2-1 in the sunshine and ended a thoroughly enjoyable meeting.
Great meeting and well done Jane on an entertaining 10 minute presentation!
It was an excellent meeting and great to see Howard back. Well done to Jane and Roger for the ten minute presentation and thank you for the jar of lemon curd! Have a good week everyone!
A very entertaining, seamless presentation from Jane and Roger, the time went too quickly. We could see who wears the apron! I have no doubt that the few 60 seconds which I didn’t hear were vey good. An all round excellent meeting. See y’all next week.
Jane entertains. Lemon curd. Vincent’s jokes and free stickers from John. What’s not to love!
Thanks Terry for doing the notes – well done….and nice pointers from our Vince at the beginning. Jolly good everyone – mwah x x x
Totally messed up my fact of the day at the beginning. I thought I did but couldn’t remember what I’d really said!!! It should have gone:
The secret to success in life is to not compare yourself against others, and I’m much better at that than you all are.
I actually enjoyed this meeting. Very pleased to see Mr Bullock back, looking good and not coughing. The naughty corner is on its way back to full strength. Fanny and Johnny Craddock gave a very entertaining 12 minutes and lots of fun and business was had by all. Now for the bowling…..
Best that I stayed away today, tested positive again yesterday, so I missed what sounds like yet another excellent meeting. How could it not be with a presentation from a professional speaker, the return of Howard, sample products to view/taste and a very on point Ed slot from Vince.
Great meeting as always, fab 10 minutes Jane / Roger, and thank you for the lemon & passionfruit curd looking forward to having that tomorrow on my toast. Welcome back Howard! Thank you John H for the stickers and see you all next week.
Great meeting really good to see Howard looking so well after his fight with long COVID.
Very entertaining 10-minute presentation from Jane .
great meeting, well done to everyone involved.
Great meeting an really good to see the Naughty Corner back to its’ full complement!
Really enjoyed Jane;s 10 minutes and am enjoyed the lemon curd over the weekend!