25 Members present and Member elect Ford Astbury brought our numbers up to 26.
The Performance League
Only just into it but current leader if Kevin Radford. Nice to see a new(sort of) name again out front.
Education Presentation
David Plumley this week referred to Paul Booth to offer words of wisdom. We not only got words but an enactment of a visitor attending and how the initial introduction should go. He was ably assisted in this by Howard Bullock. You can always rely on the Naughty Corner to make a meal of it. Nonetheless, his 2 points were well made. First off, we must make all visitors welcome and make sure that once they have signed in they are introduced to other members. Secondly, we should not try to oversell the product but let the meeting do its work. Talking of the Naughty Corner, no need for anybody to be envious of the 2 bottles of fizzy that they consumed during the meeting, it was non-alcoholic and erred on the side of sweetness I am reliably informed.
The 60 Second Round
Vincent Goode was up first as he was adjudicating the Oscar and he was looking for Solicitors/Barristers to sell his printing wares to.
Mason Edwards is still looking for flooring company’s and Mike Rogers is still doing what he always does as a Mortgage Broker.
Holly Kingstone, subbing for Anna Marie, told us that they had just been involved in their first Nigerian Wedding. I assume it was local.
Kieran Peaty is involved with Local Authorities in pre planning application discussions and was looking for clients with extensions or other alterations to their property to enable him to do this more often.
Dan Wright was at pains to point out  the absence of risk in dealing with him rather than banks as he did not actually handle the money but dealt with the transaction through established banks. We should, in making referrals make the situation clear to any prospective referee.
Terry Maylin this week was pitching for commercial disputes and illustrated this from 2 recent cases he had taken on; this is a fruitful area for him.
Ellen Beckenham is looking for asbestos of all sorts. It has to be linked to a property that she inspects but otherwise, she is not fussy.
Ben, Ben Golding was keen to explain how Utility Warehouse is going green, he refrained from bursting into song and he did not show the piggy, everything in order so far. Utility Warehouse’s claim to going green is to the extent to which they fit LED light bulbs for their customers and he quoted mind-numbing statistics, the bottom line of which is that single headedly, or rather with the help of their customers, they have saved 100,000 trees. Hard to get greener than that!
Saj Sreedharan, following Ben, is not only is involved in green products but green products with colours on top of them, to wit flowers.
Howard Bullock might well  have been drinking alcoholic fizzy as he mentally overloaded us with references to behavioural economics and sitting tight. Richard Read was not sitting tight but recommending cruises.
If Kieran Petty was trying to get clients who were looking to build extensions, Kevin Radford was giving a warning that where any extension is started the house insurers should be informed and, surprise surprise RMK has a special policy for this. He even finished up with a little ditty. You can’t keep the Bard of Hadleigh down.
Alan Moller’s lady of the week is Karen for whom he has been doing lots of things that are thoroughly appreciated.
David Plumley was the most mobile of all the contributors this week. He walked to the other end of the room and produced a little ditty to promote Integrate. What’s not to like!!
Toby Acton produced 60 seconds of extended metaphor. He compared speed boats with oil tankers. It was, of course, a comparison between the manoeuvrability of said boats and a comparison made with how a business should be moving things forward. The Mayor of Gants Hill at least was terribly impressed and awarded the Oscar accordingly. Well done Toby.
This weeks statistics and points of note
25 Members present
One visitor in attendance
26 Referrals
£14,500 worth of business passed
Toby Acton Oscar Winner
10-minute presentation by Aidan Squire
Yes it was my turn and my subject matter was a guide for unwary tenants who do not get proper advice before entering into a commercial lease. If I gave enough information to enable Members to scare any potential referee to death I am sure my efforts will not go unrewarded.
Congratulations Toby on winning the Oscar, great meeting and see you all next week
A most enjoyable business meeting once again.
One of the best Ed slots I have ever witnessed well done Paul and Howard.
Well done to Toby for winning the Oscar.
Excellent ten minutes from Aidan which was very interesting and informative.
See everyone next week and have a great week.
Lovely to be back after a week away.
Another great meeting complimented by a thoroughly enjoyable education slot from Paul and an excellent ten-minute presentation from the ever knowledgeable Aidan.
Thanks to all and have a great week!
Well done Toby for subliminally influencing me, the oscar was thoroughly (un)deserved. I enjoyed Aiden’s 10 minutes and made copious notes on a subject on which Aiden is clearly very knowledgable.
Well done Aidan on your clear and concise 10 minutes very entertaining ed slot and great attendance, well done all!
Good turn out, great Ed. slot, banter and business – what’s not to like.
Well done Aidan with your 10mts you proved that my decision to let the shop go was a correct one.
Sounds like a good meeting. Can’t remember a thing myself!
Had a great meeting. And once again the award slips through my hands. I even sat next to Vincent and used a Speed Print pen throughout the meeting. What does a man have to do to get his hands on a silver minute naked man on a plinth.
Well done Paul on a very good education slot and for keeping Howard in order (sort of) . I just want to say here and now and without a shadow of a doubt . Mike Rogers is my hero. Don’t worry he wont be embarrassed as there is no way he is going to read this blog.
Well done on the 10 minutes Aidan and another excellent blog and well done to the chef – great breakfast.
Sorry i missed it this week guys n gals, ill be there next week 🙂
Sorry Neither Blake or myself could make the meeting . Really would of liked to have been there for Aidan’s ten minutes
Well done everyone. Glad Holly was there to feed back to me all the events!
And thanks so much to those who sponsored our run for Challenging MND !!
Well done Aidan on an excellent 10 minutes, you and Terry have been a great help to Rich and I and I’ll keep referring you wherever and whenever I can!
Great 10 minutes Aidan. Fun meeting! Now that I have won the EBF Oscar my life is complete…