Outside it was light before we started the meeting. Inside there were 25 members and 4 visitors. Yes, 29 in all, once again great attendance.
Our visitors were two from a vehicle leasing company, an insolvency practitioner and a fire safety company’s director.
A Question for all of you; what is the connection between Pink Floyd and the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. The answer: Syd Barrett of Aslam Fire who was one of our visitors.
Education Presentation
Presented by Nick Cooke. He stated that his subject matter should be regarded as a “statement of the bleedin obvious”. How you do your business should not only be in the quality of your work but the way in which you sell yourself. A quoted price accompanied by an explanation of what you will be doing is frequently more palatable.
We all carried this thought through to the 60 second round.
EBF Performance League
With there being no meeting last week (snow!), this was effectively the first meeting of the month. Nothing to therefore report on this months activity but Scott Griffiths was presented with a certificate recording his achievement as topping the league for last month.
The 60 Second Round
With 29 potential presenters, time was of the essence in relation to the 60 seconds allowed. Everyone observed their timing obligations however and so we embarked upon some great contributions.
Marcelle Saad was first up. The birth stone for March is the Aquamarine a member of the Beryl family. It is found in Russia, Afghanistan and Brazil mainly. Something educational to kick us off.
Terry Maylin explained the difference between the national living wage, the national minimum wage and the living wage. It’s fair to say that eyes started to glaze over. The simple message is speak to Terry if anybody wants to know.
The School of Whimsy excelled itself this week. Nick Cooke told of a small crack in the wall at a gym in Swindon. Despite the 3 hour journey, they wanted him, and so he went. Alan Shaw was more on message by confirming once again that he designs buildings. So much on message it was almost Whimsical in itself. Brian Painter on the other hand continues the story of the 5 year old who won’t eat and liked monsters that ate brains. Brian has got him eating but only on the basis that he produced a giant toy grizzly bear. As other clients with different conditions grace Brian’s threshhold he now must think of what sort of animal he must produce to solve their particular problem. What would do it for you…..answers in your comments to this blog.
It was Jo Eastwood who pointed out that it was international woman’s day and produced various pink coloured drinks to illustrate this. I thought the whole equality thing was to avoid gender specificity or was this a continuation of the irony recently exhibited by Brew Dog.
David Plumley referred to GDPR in his data-based 60 seconds and thematically was followed by Kevin Radford referring to the cyber liability insurance RMK can offer.
Tina Walker maintained the theme of celebrity touched on by Syd Barrett. She organised a workshop and Tom Hardy was in the dining room. I don’t think he was attending the workshop. For those of you who are out of touch; Tom Hardy is a successful actor, he isn’t a novelist who has shortened his name to Tom.
John Freeman told us of all the things he had done this week. So many that of necessity must have been ” quick in and out”.
Whilst we were all thinking of last weeks snow Kevin Brooks was also doing so but from the perspective of his skiing trip to Austria.
Not wanting to panic us, Howard Bullock considered it appropriate to inform us of the approach of the end of the tax year and the possible time consuming extra formalities there might be in opening or replenishing accounts like ISA’s.
Blake Hammond was standing in for John and graced us with a poem that the Bard of Hadleigh would have been proud to present to us. With Blake being part of his name it could have been “Tiger Tiger burning bright” but it wasn’t, nonetheless he won the Oscar and deservedly so.
This weeks statistics and points of note
- 25 Members present
- 4 visitors attended
- 39 referrals passed
- £37,500 worth of business recorded
- Blake Hammond won the Oscar
- Scott Griffiths was performance league winner for February.
10-minute presentation by Scott Griffiths
Scott Griffiths made a very good presentation fully using the screen by demonstrating his new website. We were pleased that the sun was out for all sorts of seasonal reasons but it did slightly obscure the screen. Nonetheless, we know what Scott can do, he emphasised this in his presentation and we should try and get referrals to our longest serving member.
Referrals and Testimonials
The statistics speak for themselves. It resulted in an excellent round which brought us to an end at exactly 8.30 which was a great effort by everybody.
I am looking forward to next week already.
Awesome attendance this week with some promising potential new members.
Great 10 minutes Scott. One thing i forgot to say is that Scott has done an incredible job more than once auditing our websites over the years and seeing how we can optimize them, so if anyone hasn’t taken up Scott on this, they definitely should is my advice ! Excellent meeting again and well done Blake on a deserved oscar. see you next time.
Thanks Dean
Great meeting as always and a great 10 minutes from Scott. Look forward to seeing everyone next week and hopefully our visitors will come back. Mustn’t forget thanks Richard for the pen.
Aidan Squire
Congratulations Scott in capturing the intimate shot of Tina’s night out. Brilliant
Great meeting, well done Scott, love the new website and thanks for all your help over the past 7 years -my business would not be what it is today without your input and ongoing support for my website! Great to see so many people there and another four guests who hopefully like what they have seen and will consider joining!
A shining, dazzling 10 minutes from Scott. Isabel (necessary on a bike) has visited us previously, I think at Warley.
It’s great to see EBF going from strength to strength. See you on 29 March.
BTW, I like the pictures with the brief explanation, particularly the one of Stu at our do at the Skew. (Now 5 more minutes nearer the holiday.)
Excellent meeting. Much better than last weeks.
You always pick up some very useful tips at these meetings and this is one of the hidden values of membership. I recommend that any business that is not represented by the members gives it a try. Great meeting and an excellent 10 minutes from Scott who I cannot recommend highly enough.
Well done to Blake for winning his Oscar.
It was great to have so many visitors. If any of you are reading this, make sure you come back next week!
As ever, fantastic meeting, excellent 10mins from Scot, as I said at the meeting, I am receiving more enquiries now whilst Scot constructs my new web site than I did with my previous one.
Good to see guests who will hopefully return, congrats to Blake for winning the Oscar.
Thanks for all the referrals guys n gals see you all next week 😊
Excellent meeting as always and an excellent 10 minutes from Scott.
I always look forward to coming to the meetings as everyone’s always so welcoming and friendly. I can not recommend EBF enough.
I would also like to say thank you to every one for the congratulations on winning the Oscar. It is taking pride of place on the mantel piece.
Can’t believe I missed Blake’s epic poem! Or that I missed my numero uno synergy man’s 10 minute presentation – sorry Scott! Sounded like a great meeting. I’m afraid I won’t be there Thursday as ‘him indoors’ is off snowboarding (again). See you the week after!