Our Valentines Day meeting had a 60 second round suitably themed and it contained both lovers joy and lovers lament.
Lamentably we all had to scrape the ice off our windscreens before heading off for the meeting and towards the end of the meeting the sun shone into some of our eyes; the joy is that it was a beautiful morning and there was a good turnout, 26 members and one visitor. Ellen Beckenham produced probably the best excuse of the year, “broken wrist and could not drive car”.
The Performance League
Scott Griffiths was the winner last month and received his certificate. He is currently in the lead after one week of this month. We must all try harder!!!
One of our newer members also had a revelation this week after figuring out that the order in which members appear on the members page is related to the points scored in last months performance league. Suddenly, he realised, there is a point to it all!!!
Education Presentation
A David Plumley Special with both extended metaphor and oxymoron all in one presentation. His theme was a “Bird in the hand…” and he applied this as to how we should deal with our existing clients/customers.
The checklist included making sure we looked after our existing clients/customers properly, that we maintain good communication and a willingness to add the odd “extra” to our service or product to keep them appreciating you. He did not extend the metaphor to Valentines keeping each other happy on a bird in the hand basis.
New Members Induction
Ashley Bermange is now a fully fledged member and was duly inducted. Welcome Ashley.
The 60 Second Round
It was Saj Sreedharan’s busy day. He produced 5 different flower orders and after delivering his 60 seconds dashed off to what looked like a horrendous but hopefully profitable day in prospect.
Interspersed with various Valentine’s Day references, there was a theme! Nick Cooke, John Freeman, John Hammond, Matt Barry and Scott Griffiths all emphasised the variety of the work that they do.
John Freeman produced a poem that stretched the limited of rhyme and cadence.
Simon Essex was also explaining about the variety of his clients. He likened them all to Marmite, some were good some were bad you either liked them or hated them. Howard Bullock was on a similar theme, his favourite days are when he doesn’t have any clients. He then went on a Mike Rogers like rant about how life would be a lot better he if had no clients to be bothered by.. Infact, the real Mike Rogers was with us and had his own rant about cyclists holding people up on main roads. He did remember that he was a mortgage broker and told us so but only at the end.
Howard Bullock, therefore, need not have been concerned about adopting the Rogers approach but this did not dissuade him and as the Naughty Corner were in charge of awarding the Oscar he duly won it.
Brian Painter was all initialisms. He talked OCD but was particularly concerned about SBF. We might know the former but if you don’t know the latter it is Stupid Boy Forgetfulness.
Best specific request for potential clients came from Paul Booth. Apparently, KPMG is shutting down part of their small business operation. He would like to step into the gap left.
Synergy Team Report
Paul Booth reported on this weeks Business to Business meeting which was both well attended, enjoyable and useful to the 7 attendees
This weeks statistics and points of note
- 26 Members present
- 1 visitor present
- 33 Referrals made
- £10,500.00 business recorded
- Oscar Winner, Howard Bullock
10-minute presentation by Stuart Smallcombe
He taught us all about the internet, Broadband, copper and fibre connections.
The triumph was that we all appeared to understand it. It followed that we are talking to a potential customer for him we are equipped to discuss the possible problems regarding internet and broadband. Useful for us and useful for him.
Referrals and testimonials
A great round because of the number of referrals.
Next week is our annual piece of navel gazing. This has been an interesting year to look back on.
Sorry I had to leave but it seems that it was an enjoyable 60 second round and I love Marmite…… hopefully our visitor Leah will come back.
Absolutely loved the meeting this morning. The last 2 weeks of themed 60 seconds have been great.
What amazed me is that our newest member started singing and stripped off their top. Welcome to the group Ashley, I think you’ll be a great addition.
Good to know about the order of members on the page – I had no clue!
Well done Stuart if you managed to get Brian and Aidan to understand all about broadband you really did well
Great to see Ashley joining in and giving a memorable 60 seconds!
Is it just me or are the knife and fork the wrong way around on the blog photo? It is annoying me now and I cant un-see it.
They are the right way around if left handed, and the blade edge of the knife should face out (that’ll be questioned).
My mind is now realing. I won’t sleep tonight with the worry of it all!
Really feeling the love in the room this morning… Really great informative and useful 10 minutes from Stuart…
3 poems (one sung) a Mike Rogers impersonator (and the real thing) amongst a plethora of excellent 60 second presentations made this a thoroughly enjoyable meeting. I was still chuckling when I drove to work. Thank you one and all.
It was a great meeting, excellent 10mins from Stuart, fantastic ed slot from David, I implemented the ed slot too, & cleared Stuarts blocked pipes, Labour free, materials cost’s only 😉
Welcome Ashley, good to have you on board,
And don’t forget folks, I lugged a good chunk of my tool kit in, for my 10min pres lol 😉
See you all next week!
Sounds like you guys had a great meeting…sorry couldn’t be there this week. Hope you all have a lovely Valentines Evening, and Saj you are not too exhausted! Hopefully will be with you guys next week 🙂
great meeting all, Howard’s 60 seconds was hilarious. 🙂 see you next week
Excellent vibe to this mornings meeting, great 60 sec round and very informative 10mts from Stuart and Ashley’s first as a formal member was a true star “turn”.
sorry I missed your 10 minutes Stuart
Great meeting, an assured presentation from Smallcombe and great fun!
Well done ,Stuart, for speaking in clear English writing, now I know what that green thingy is at the top of the road. Amusing rant from Howard, I voted for him but a bit worrying about being on the same wave length as the N.C. Regarding the knife and fork, it doesn’t matter if you’re right handed, left handed or cack handed, etiquette dictates that the fork is on the left, the knife on the right with the sharp face pointing inwards. Perhaps Ashley and Ben could perform a duet sometime!
I love you guys, but not as much as I ❤️ Business Cards. Great meeting and looking forward to next week’s year end round up x
Great meeting this week and last, we’re on a roll!
Stuart can you do your 10 minutes again lol x as I missed it.
Well, today my client is Marmite haters, Thank god its Friday, I just counted to 10. On a more positive note I had a CV today that has given me an idea for my 1 minute next week. Great 10 minute presentation, really informative.
Marmite is brilliant on toast, crumpets etc
Apologies Stuart on missing your presentation, it was lovely to see everyone. Complete all deliveries by 6pm and then we worked on the funeral tributes till 3:30 this morning and was delivered successfully by 09:30.
Thank you for everyone’s support during this hectic week. See everyone next week.
Hopefully next week will be just as entertaining and productive. Howard can you repeat your 60secs please?!!
Excellent 10 minutes Stuart! Helped me enormously, as I now actually think I have a plan of action to improve my office broadband speed. See you in a few weeks.