A bright sunny morning and despite 5 members being on holiday the turnout was 19 and 2 visitors. We have produced good turnouts throughout the holiday period and visitors also. By next week Mike Feuer will have completed formalities and be a member and we had a new visitor today, Tim Heard who has expressed interest in joining.
The Performance League
Life is back to normal, Paul Booth is still on top with 319 points and appears unassailable. It is likely this being the 5th week of the month that we will more than exceed the £100,000 mark for business recorded.
Education Presentation
It was David Plumley himself who led the potted wisdom that he always brings to the Education Slot.
He started out with the statement that “life is linear”, he then moved on to “mind mapping” and creating a “spider”. The basic theme, however, was consistency, the need for us to be consistent in our business dealings and particularly within the context of our membership of EBF. Habit is apparently one of the building bricks of consistency. This thoughtful presentation was not beyond us all, despite the early hour.
The 60 Second Round
Because Brian Painter was awarding the Oscar he kicked off. Remember the bloke with a short fuse? That’s right, the one that tried to beat up and old lady after she had cut him up in traffic. Our Pilgrim traced the problem back to an encounter when he was 7 years old. He was playing with a friend who was undoubtedly deserving of the present being made by his mother of one of our man’s favourite cars but there the problem, in particular the anger, arose. What did Brian Painter do about this…watch this space! The hard core whimseys, Alan Shaw and Nick Cooke were not present and accordingly my inspiration for this Blog was substantially diminished. It is fair to report that should everybody take their 60 seconds very seriously it doesn’t necessary help me, but… hey ho.
None the less there were a few little gems to pick out:
John Freeman, our very own Odd Job, likes flat packs, not six packs!
Ben Golding told of a light bulb moment. The ending of halogen bulbs had given his organisation an opportunity to give LED lights away which apparently will last a lifetime. Once again, all of this achieved without the Piggy.
Anna Marie saw significance in chairs and the people sitting on them as being potential subjects for her photography skills.
Kevin Radford, slightly less poetic than usual warned of making sure your policy was up to date and did what it said on the tin. With insurance policies this means reading everything that is on the tin before you sign up.
Stuart Smallcombe, back fresh from his hols is about to dig up Harley Street, something to do with Section 58. He can dig up roads where a lot of people can’t, we should bear this in mind when looking for referrals for him.
On a sad note, Sid Barrett delivered his final 60 seconds. He will not be renewing because of the way he is now going to pursue his business. He has been a cheerful addition to our merry band and we wish him well.
So who won the Oscar. Motivated by the need for him to renew certain insurance policies, though no bias intended, he chose Kevin Radford.
This weeks statistics and points of note
- 19 Members in attendance
- 2 visitors
- 15 referrals
- £16,384.00 business recorded today
- Over £130,000.00 recorded throughout August
- Performance League Leader Paul Booth
- Oscar Winner Kevin Radford
10-minute presentation by Marcelle Saad
The 10-minute presentation was delivered by Marcelle Saad who as always gave a “polished” performance. Interesting information was given in conjunction with her Slide Show. The value of diamonds arising from various aspects of the stone.
- Carat weight
- Colour
- Florescence
- Clarity
- Cut
More importantly, not only is she clearly experienced at what she does, most of us have experienced her professionalism and should be renewing our efforts in going out and finding business for her.
An excellent 10 minute presentation form Marcelle – happy holidays
Great 10 minutes Marcelle, looking forward to Brian’s 60 seconds next week, better than EastEnders!
Apologies for my absence this week folks but after a particularly heavy night it would not have been wise to drive.
Excellent 10 minutes,Marcelle. Also good to hear that it’s not always nose to the grind stone and you do have some fun on the floor at Hatton Garden.
Sorry to have missed what sounds like an excellent meeting
Shame about Syd going but hey ho!
Looking forward to seeing you all next week!
I am glad to have seen a great 10mins from Marcelle, very informative! good meeting, nice to have visitors again, and as ever a great blog.
Can I just say I would rather have a 6 pack over a flat pack any day 😉
See you all next week 😊
Great 10 minutes Marcelle. Sorry to see Syd go but that how it goes sometimes. Great meeting too. Have a great weekend and see you all next week.
Thanks Dad for awarding me the Oscar for actually talking about insurance. Something I usually try to avoid. An excellent presentation from Marcelle and enjoyable meeting as usual.
Sounds like a great meeting, sorry to have missed it. See you all soon
Very sorry to hear of Syd’s departure. What a gentleman!
Brilliant 10mins!
Sad to see Syd go :o(
I’m finding the ongoing saga that Brian is slowly revealing to us very amusing. Can’t wait to hear how far the story gets this week!