We should have been at Calcott Hall Farm but we weren’t. Zoom meetings will have to continue for at least the next couple of weeks. Paul Booth explained the staffing problems experienced by our intended venue and his search for an alternative venue either temporary or permanent. Any ideas or suggestions please direct to Paul who is working very hard to get us all to a live meeting. This week we had 19 members present at various times.
The Performance League
This week Scott Griffiths provided the September results which showed Stuart Smallcombe as the winner closely followed by Terry Maylin and then Paul Dulieu. This is a first for Stuart and he was roundly congratulated.
Education Presentation
Toby Acton introduced us to IKIGA through an illustrated presentation of four interlocking circles. IKIGA ‘the reason for being’ focuses on why we do what we do. Love,  because we’re good at it, because we have been paid for it or because the world needs it. Applied to our businesses it can be the source of deep joy or serious frustration. This is an interesting view on life which apparently creates a community in Japan, from whence it originates, to have the highest life expectancy in the world.
The 60 Second Round
Vincent Goode was this week’s adjudicator and first off. Scaffolding banners were this week subject matter and it produced reference to a ‘welded pole pocket’ which conjures up, or rather it did for me, interesting images.
Jane Malyon is preparing all sorts of hampers for Christmas. Those of us who cringe at the thought of the ‘C’ word will just have to accept that with almost three months to go it is upon us.
Nigel Bellham was in a very vivid red top and Stuart Smallcombe was in his new office. For those of us who are frustrated with Internet suppliers there is good news, the top of the range is affordable!
Colin O’Connor has seen a dramatic increase in numbers in his face to face training sessions …. from two to five. Percentage wise at least it is impressive.
Ben Golding, as befitting a Utility Warehouse man, bemoaned the energy shambles but was most notable in his presentation for the couple of times the frame froze leaving him pulling rather voluptuous faces!
Tina Walker’s halo is still in place and Paul Dulieu, in keeping with his persona of Rudyard of Rayleigh, produced another rhyming presentation.
Toby Acton drew our attention to the fact that Business Plans are not just for persuading banks to lend money but perform a very important function for all businesses and he will help produce them for you. Paul Booth was extolling the virtues of electric cars so far as allowances for benefits in kind are concerned. A career as a Car Salesman beckons. Further Interesting aspects of members businesses was Scott Griffiths’ indication that having many websites can allow you to ‘own’ page one of Google for your particular area of expertise.
Alan Moller once again made use of the prop, which involved a downlight and associated bits of kit to go with it. It might have been more effective in a live meeting.
It was Sarah Steele who caught the judges eye not only for explaining her ‘financial friend sessions’ but also reading out positive testimonials in relation to her business performance. Well done Sarah.
10-minute presentation by Vincent Goode
Now that they have changed their corporate image Uncle Ben’s rice is now just Bens rice so I have no excuse for calling him uncle Ben. It was therefore Ben who introduced this week’s presenter, the Mayor of Gant’s Hill Village.
His presentations are always of high quality and this week he presented through photographs, a pictorial history of Speedprint and then further pictures of his products. Vincent with flowing locks is enough to make a presentation worthwhile, however he really did effectively set out the exact nature of his business in a way that should leave us all in no doubt as to its quality and extent. Certain things are timeless but clearly having a Wimpy Bar next door is not. Thanks to Vincent for his part in making our meeting a very entertaining and interesting one.
The many hairstyles of Vincent. Loved it!
Congratulations Stuart on getting top of the board!, great education slot too and a well polished 10 minutes by Vincenzo, whats not to like?, enjoy the weekend all, it’ll soon be Monday!
Superb meeting, as always. If anyone has a photograph of Vince where he isn’t brooding, I suspect it is a collectors item!
Have a good week everyone!
Well done to Sarah for winning Oscarina this week. Remember, someone else saying you’re great, is much better than saying it yourself! Thank you to Paul Booth and the management team for their efforts in trying to get the physical meetings up and running. Fingers crossed, not too much longer
Massive congratulations to me on winning the league… not sure anything else is worth mentioning really 🙂
Of course, Toby’s Ed slot and Mr Mayor’s 10 min was great. I particularly liked the photo of the two Mayors together. I wonder if he knew he was in the presence of greatness…Boris I mean, not Vince.
Well done Stuart-‘ nough said!
In your best sarf London accent!
Loved your 10 minute presentation Vincent – very funny 😀 Good meeting all round and well done to Stuart for setting the points benchmark high x