21 members, due to an oven breakdown, were treated to a roll fest from Greggs courtesy of Paul Booth’s organisation. Greeted by a bright early morning the meeting commenced at 7:10 am. Before we got underway with the meeting proper Brian Painter was presented with a liquid present from the members upon attaining a ripe old age and Matt Barry was also acknowledged but not being so advanced in years got nothing but our best wishes.
The Performance League
Scott Griffiths created excitement and tension by declaring that the figures had not been compiled due to the absence on holiday of his assistant (his mum). All will be revealed at the next meeting which will be the monthly figures for May.
Education Presentation
Normally introduced by Ben Golding whose absence is due to multiple medical procedures that are to be inflicted on him. He bears this with resilience and fortitude and he deserves all of our best wishes for a full recovery. He did however produce to the meeting the relevant information and I was able to introduce this week’s presenter, Neil Bellham. His theme was that you should not be reticent in asking for help but also why is important to ask the right people. This is particularly relevant to EBF membership, and he illustrated the need to be selective in whom we approach with a story about a son falling down a hole and asking a priest, a doctor and a policeman for help, which was given but was useless! It was asking his dad that saved the day and the parable was very effective. Great presentation Neil.
The 60 Second Round
Overseen by Matt Barry, last week’s Oscar winner, James Humphreys declared, insurance wise, that he could do anything for anyone with a quick turnround.
Toby Acton continues to celebrate motivational mapping and the importance of ensuring the employers need to keep his employees healthy and happy.
The three Mikes were present; Hickson explained now his company would buy out contracts for IT assistance which were not working for business introduced to him, Skinner recommended the business introduction and walkthrough video which can either separately or together deal with the customer journey, visual walkthrough and talking head introduction, Rogers had prepared a 60 second presentation that would have appealed to Sarah Steel but as she wasn’t with us and his thoughts on the current mortgage market were shared by William Verner on the commercial side, he left it to him and upon which he duly obliged. The market is currently very volatile so get your applications in as quickly as possible.
Terry Maylin was highlighting 1 of his 10 top tips about successfully pursuing unpaid bills. It is incumbent upon you to be clear as to who you are dealing with. A recent case before him left the debtor defending the case because he claimed it was not an individual debt but with a company. Conclusive paperwork must be in place to make sure you’re not caught out in this way.
Brian Painter is currently dealing with a compulsive gambler who has received an ultimatum from his wife. We look forward to learning how this particular problem is resolved.
Stuart Smallcombe has been doing wonderful things for a company that was moving temporarily into a portacabin with no Internet connection. Signals were bounced from various locations to resolve the problem. It did conjure up strange images.
John Hammond warned of people looking for security but going for the cheapest option, which undoubtedly will lead to disaster and additional costs which could have been avoided if his company was approached
Paul Booth posed the question as to whether crypto training was taxable, which it apparently is and which consulting him will save the new client a dispute with the Inland Revenue.
Melissa Jackson finished up the Oscar winner this week, in particular because of a block of business she had won from a Scottish insolvency practitioner. It will substantially boost her caseload. Matt very clearly understood the optimism created when members are successful in this way.
10-minute presentation by John Hammond
It was John Hammonds turn this week. What followed was a really interesting presentation that revolved around more props than you could shake a stick at. The types of installations that John can do for you were passed around the table and his illustration by prop helped all of our understanding of what he can achieve and more importantly why we should be consulting and recommending him in decisions over electronic fire and security installations. As good a presentation as we have seen too many a month.
Referrals and Testimonials round
John Hammond stayed on his feet and did the running for the referrals and testimonials round and followed up by drawing the speakers prize which was won by Toby Acton who chose a cheeky white rather than a robust red which was also included in John’s prop bag.
Referral Reality Check
A follow up on last week’s referrals showed that all had been successfully actioned. Great news.
Next week there will be no meeting because of the Jubilee Bank Holiday. We will all see each other the following week.
Sorry to miss another meeting, but the cruise ship has no kitchen concerns and the food is probably better than Greggs. Well done all who participated especially Brian who will be eagerly anticipating his letter from Her Majesty before too long. See you soon
Well done Neil on your first Ed slot very slick. Great 10 minutes from John Hammond on door entry systems and that is only part of his business.
Well done Toby on your choice of wine!!
I’ll have to check the video to see if I got carried away but just in case, I’ll change that to most things for most people!
Great meeting everyone, see you in a couple of weeks.
A memorable meeting for me, thank you all for your kind wishes and for the liquid present, I will do it justice! A novel approach to the education slot from Neill with a very true message. Good presentation from John, there was a lot to take in. The sun is shining, enjoy the weekend, now, where did I put that bottle?
Super meeting as ever. Great ten minutes and also the Ed Slot too – it was all a treat to listen to! Congrats again to Brian for his milestone birthday – marvellous stuff 😀
Great 10 minutes John, really enjoyed that.
Well done Neil!
Great meeting. I am really pleased you enjoyed the 10 minutes. That was just a very quick taster of what we provide on Access control system there is so much more. Great ed Slot and see you all in a fortnights time
great meeting and well done Neil on the ed slot and John for a hand on (fingers off!) 10 minutes
Sounds like I missed another very good meeting folks but the need to visit the Greek Islands was far too great after all this time.
Well done to Neil and John H. and a very happy birthday to good old Brian.