I thought I was going to have to use the Liberty Executives ice scraper this morning but the temperature stayed just above freezing and when the day finally dawned there was even the hint of sunshine. There was an equally bright and cheerful pre meeting networking get together with 25 members including new member Kory Martin.
The Performance League
In this penultimate meeting of the month Scott Griffiths is out front followed by Matt Barry and Paul Corrigan. These three have been consistent performers over recent months. It is up to the rest of us to get in amongst them.
Education Presentation
Someone who did get amongst them last month was Nick Cooke. He also was this week’s presenter. Caught with a mouth full of food when called upon to deliver it was a ponderous start. He was fine once he’d swallowed. In his opening sentence we learned that he has a sister who’s been to Switzerland and lives in Aberdeen. She also unfortunately lost her phone and provided the subject matter of Nick’s presentation. The phone apparently remains hidden from sight and her failure to back up her data is causing enormous problems The message was clear.
New Member Induction & Existing Member Renewal
New member induction  It is always a cause for celebration when we induct a new member. Kory Martin is our most recent recruit
Renewals Further cause for celebration was the renewal of Mike Skinner. There are others in the pipeline!
The 60 Second Round
Blake Hammond went first and then settled down to consider the further presentations with a view to announcing the Oscar winner at the end of the round.
Melissa Jackson, as an insolvency practitioner, made it clear that it was always top of her agenda too try to avoid insolvency.
Matt Barry told off his collaboration in producing LG Networks new branding and the production through his website of an interactive brochure. It’s good to see inter member success stories.
Catherine Foley was able to confirm that she was very busy with new bookings which is a good news story for one of our newer members. One of our older members, Nick Cooke, is also busy with structural inspections.
Mike Skinner gets about a bit and it’s nice to see he is doing his bit In helping promote mobility scooters with his videos. Although Toby Acton delivers his 60 second presentations at a pace, and undoubtedly advises promptitude with his clients, Like all of us, he does not necessarily practise his own advice in dealing with his own affairs. His website is apparently no exception. It has been two years in the making but he was able to reveal it with appropriate praise for Scott Griffiths and the acknowledgement of his own inadequacy’s over the delay. He rather philosophically acknowledged, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’
A working day in the life of Kory Martin could be a journey from Wokingham to Ipswich with a pick up at 9:00 and a drop off at 4:00. It was rather comforting that as a new member, he did not overrun his allotted time and therefore broke off the next part of his prepared brief with the promise that we would hear more next week.
Vincent Goode recited a list of stupid inquiries that had he received that had nothing to do with printing or even the speed at which he can print. Howard Bullock by contrast had received an inquiry about the potential performance of the world economy which involved him giving answers that were in many respects dependent upon the performance of Donald Trump in America.
Jane Malyon acknowledge she was off piste in advertising her Airbnb in Norwich but she had some nice photographs Don’t forget that Norwich is a good place for  a short break.
Dire warning of the day for those of us who trade by selling on vinted is that HMRC are looking at you to make sure the volume that you produce cannot be regarded as a business. Whatever sophisticated checking mechanisms they have, my suggestion is that they come down to my local post office on the Monday and spot the two or three people who are responsible for a huge queue formed whilst they deal with a myriad of parcels.
Interesting though all of the above presentations were the Oscar winner this week was Jon Foster. He was rewarded for an interesting use of props. The tools by which he can open locked doors through an opening tool that is passed through the letterbox produced a well deserved recognition by Blake.
This weeks statistics and points of note
Our  end of month next week is also end of year. Get all of your ‘thanks for money  received’ recorded electronically before the month end pleaded Scott Griffiths. He  also asked the new members in particular, to check that they have an up-to-date photograph and profile on the website.
10-minute presentation by Joshua Ayettey
It was a first time out for Joshua Ayettey and a very confident outing it was. Examples of his work were paraded by Paul Booth and he exuded confidence and enthusiasm, Joshua that is not Paul. I think we can all safely refer him whenever we get the opportunity.
Following a successful referrals and testimonials round Jane Malyon successfully ran her monthly Business to Consumer synergy team meeting with a very good turn out as she explored hopes and the business opportunities we perceived would be before us in the new year.
Great to welcome another new member to our group, and a really good meeting too. We’re gonna need a bigger table…
Great meeting with a really interesting 10 minute presentation from Joshua.
A great meeting. Welcome to our new member Kory. Thank you for the education slot Nick and a very interesting 10 minutes from our resident architect Joshua. Some really great projects. I look forward to working with you in the future. A really great group of people and businesses.
Thank you for today, haven’t been sleeping to well lately and struggled this morning…. Buzzing when I left though!
Hope you all have a great week and look forward to seeing your lovely faces next week!
Great 10 minutes Joshua and fab attendance by all.
Great ten minutes from Joshua Ayettey, It was really interesting and insightful.
The education slot was spot on Nick, we have trouble getting the clients to back up their access control system .
Welcome Kory and well done Joshua in a really good first presentation to the group.
A great meeting helped by the good numbers present, lets keep it up -onwards and upwards!
Great presentation Joshua, and a fascinating topic, and great to see Kory joining us!
Lovely to have you back as well Aidan
Great 10 minutes by Joshua… so informative! Nick thanks for the reminder about backing up my phone … I’m on it! Great meeting all round and welcome to Kory.
Jolly well done to the following members who between them contributed to a fine and dandy meeting: Nick Ed Slot Cooke, Joshua 10 Minutes Ayetetty, Jonathan 60 Seconds Foster and Paul Glamorous Assistant Booth.
Well done Joshua on your 10 minutes, I see the ladies are sitting all together LOL! nice to see Aidan back in the hot seat.
Come and make it an even bigger group of lasses, Tina! 😀
Great debut from Joshua. Very impressed!
Excellent meeting and great to have another member and such a full room. Thanks Nick for the Ed SLot an a superb presentation from Joshua
The best way to spend a Thursday breakfast time! Well done to Joshua for a very comprehensive overview of your world of architecture (beginning with Tetris!) and thanks to Nick for starting the meeting off. So pleased to see Aidan back again too – that made me smile.