It was a grey day, still warm enough to entice those of us who have been wearing shorts to continue our bare-legged regime, and despite exam results for those of us with teenage children and holidays restricting numbers we finished up with 18 including last week’s visitor showing a continued interest, which is encouraging.
The Performance League
Software problems have beset Scott Griffiths this week but full figures will be available next week. Don’t forget to revisit your activity records and re-enter them on the website.
Education Presentation
It was Ben Golding himself who addressed us with his Tips on how to make your 10 minute presentation sparkle. Captivating stories, shocking statistics and powerful quotations featured.
The 60 Second Round
Reduced numbers had the ever-flexible Vincent Goode, timekeeper extraordinaire, allowing 72.5 seconds per person. It will come as no surprise, dear reader, for you to learn that this additional allocation was more than enthusiastically taken up by all members.
Ben Golding boasted how Utility Warehouse could help tackle the energy cost of living rises with cash back and extra income.
John Freeman made clear his availability for carports, pergolas and sheds. If you’re interested you will have to curb your enthusiasm until October. The sometime resident of Tenerife is about to depart for another six-week sojourn.
Emma Taylor declared herself to be ‘..better than the average agent.
Toby Acton was keen to emphasise that motivation as well as skill is a necessary ingredient in the increase of productivity; whilst for those who don’t quite make it, Melissa Jackson pointed out that she also dealt with informal negotiations where insolvency looms.
Nick Cooke is into information sheets including one that explains the type of surveys that he has available. Check out his website.
Prize for best use of props must go to the mayor of Gants Hill Village who produced a tin that regaled the observer with the clear indication that it is speed as well as print and that his company does and what it also says on the tin. He also won the Oscar by way of further accolade.
Remember it is still the holiday season and Tina Walker is available as backup for those who want to get away. Whilst on the subject of backup, Mike Hickson explained that Microsoft does not do ‘backup’ but he can organise it for you. All of this is good news; which was the theme of Jane Malyon’s presentation. Just like Hedgehoppers Anonymous, it was a good news week, from imminent birthing to a millionth hit on Tik Toc which occurred at 2:30am but as with all momentous events, like say the moon landing, she stayed up for it and as her millionth hit wonder came and went she can celebrate perhaps coming of age as an influencer. Paul booth delivers the news that on the 1st April 2023  corporation tax will substantially increase from the current 19%. Make sure your accounts are up to date with your current profit levels to maximise the current rates.
If you are reviewing your accounts you might as well review your website and make sure that these are up to scratch. If you’re uncertain please contact Scott Griffiths.
Synergy Team Report
This section of the meeting was turned over to updates from the team leaders as to how our search for new members was progressing to make for a busy September. We need to keep in touch with our respective team leaders in the ongoing search full new recruits.
10-minute presentation by Kieron Peaty
Kieran Peaty was this week’s presenter and the screen is a useful tool enabling him to show the sort of designs and projects he has recently been involved with. One particular project involved a refurbished property with nine bathrooms. It does slightly beg the question of how many bathrooms you actually need but cleanliness of course is next to godliness. Of use to us all in making referrals was the fact that he will give an initial free consultation online. He is clearly a talented architect who does our group proud and we should take every opportunity to refer him to anyone who has a project in mind.
His speakers prize one by Emma Taylor.
Referrals and Testimonials Round
A referral reality check showed successful take up of referrals from last week and hopefully this week’s referrals and testimonials  round will prove equally successful.
Well done to all those attending for creating a good buzz in the room and a lively meeting.
Good 10 minutes Kieron one of your best I thought.
Thank you for your presentation Kieron, not sure what the industrial fan was doing there, apart from drowning all other sound! Honoured indeed to have been awarded the Oscar which I’m sharing with Paul for once again being my glamourous assistant. Just to give you the heads up, Oscarina will be awarded to the member who uses the best prop next week.
Great meeting although a bit low on the ground due to holidays. Great 10 minutes from Kieron and a great ed slot from BenBen. Nice to see Leanne back hope she will join our fab group. Have a great weekend and see you all next week.
A truly excellent meeting once again. Great advice from Ben in the Ed Slot and a terrific ten minute presentation from Kieron. A fair bit of business was passed around too. It was good to meet Leann our visiting Interior Designer. See you all next week.
I always enjoy creative presentations Kieron’s was excellent, turning the mundane in to the exquisite in the eyes of the owner. Fine ed slot,Ben, Ben but did you know that video killed the radio star?
Really enjoyed the meeting today. Great Ed Slot and fantastic 10 mins from Kieron