Chairmans Business Networking Blog, 26th January
Although there was no ice on our windscreens it really was a cold morning with a misting drizzle (mizzle) making things even more unpleasant.
Despite the inclement weather a really good turnout of 23 Members and 1 guest, Charlie Hurlock of A Matter Group.
Also and notwithstanding the inclement weather there were signs of spring in the attire of some of those present. Pride of place must go to Jill Willis who sported a pair of gold coloured bumpers, at least that’s what they were called when I was a lad. I suspect things might have moved on since then. Also David Plumley was sporting some new clobber. A rather smart black leather jacket that he assured us was bought at a very reasonable price off E Bay. It was the sort of high quality schmutter that would make an Eastern European people trafficker green with envy. By the time he stood up to deliver the Ed Slot however he had divested himself of aforementioned piece of natty menswear.
Not only was he sartorially ahead of everyone but he also was well prepared with 2 graphic designs;
1 of a wooden stair case and the other of a frog. The staircase represents a project or personal goal and the frog can only leap 6 ½ inches. The stair heights are 6 ¾ inches and so there was strategic dilemma which faces a lot of us in our personal business lives. The solution is to either make the stairs lower or train frog to jump higher. If you were a carpenter the solution would be obvious and probably if you were the ring master of a flea circus you would otherwise fancy your changes with the frog. All in all a thought provoking start to the meeting.
The 60 Second Round
The 60 second round probably set the tone for the rest of the year.
Mike Rogers is still cheerful and was talking about how he helped a pregnant women get somewhere to stay over Christmas. I don’t know whether the story rings any bells with anyone.
Jo Jones likes long words and this week’s word was “procrastination” or rather “procrastinators”, She is looking to persuade them to make sure they start exercising instead of procrastinating and therefore becoming “exercisers”
Kevin Brooks followed her and declared he was back from skiing, which made you think he was not one of the procrastinators. As it transpired however he seemed to have been more in the way of merely encouraging the Skiers whilst otherwise engaged with various libations.
Jo Eastwood therefore, who followed him, had an excellent opportunity to further cause for alcoholic drinks. However she produced a non-alcoholic spirit that is made like Gin and smelt like peas. I think someone bought it before the end of the meeting.
Steve Roach was celebrating the Leyton Orient Show currently gracing Phoenix FM. To show they go the extra mile for their advertisers they had arranged for 15 primary school footballers and their respective parents to visit Leyton Orient to watch a game. As this doubled their gate for the particular weekend Leyton Orient felt that they were the winners from this advertisers support.
Donna Evans came up with a very graphic description of a large house that she was quoting her curtaining services for. However, she described the basement containing a squash court and a gym and several other rooms. I hope she realised that as a basemen, there are no windows, but I assume that she quoted for other parts of the house.
By the time Alan Shaw stood up I felt that there was lots of Whimsy about but he was having none of it.
Her told of how he had surveyed a building before getting the figures together to produce a design. It was all very much on the point and no casual observer would have regarded him as anything other than an Architect. I therefore hereby declare that he is no longer a member of the School of Whimsy until he has produced a 60 second performance that warrants his re-inclusion. One member of the School Of Whimsy however was more than active. Our Pilgrim, Brian Painter, treated a businessman who spent £600.00 a month on renting his commercial accommodation and got him to successfully give up smoking which was at the time costing him £700.00 in cigarettes and “weed”. Brian felt that he was effectively enabling him to trade rent free and with a bit of money over to spend. From there the story moved towards “body to body” massages. If this form of therapy is perhaps difficult for the reader to envisage, the thought of Brian engaging in it is even more puzzling.
The 60 second round became even more puzzling as David Plumley rose and produced a router which apparently uses archer technology. It had antenna that can detect a device but not fire arrows. Anyone confused about Brian Painter’s body to body massage was definitely struggling with this technological eqivalent. It really did not get any better.
Finally it was Scott Griffiths who, by producing various rather tedious looking tomes. won the Oscar. Suddenly La La Land becomes an attractive proposition.
This weeks statistics and points of note
Before the 10 minute presentation two matters of note. Scott Griffiths produced the Meeting Secretary’s Report that confirmed in excess of £34,000.00 business recorded and just under 20 referrals.
Terry Maylin regaled us with the new recruitment drive that is to create groups of 3 who for a three months chase visitors by whatever means they choose and at the end of a year, with 4 groups having performed, a prize will be given to the one that produces the most visitors. Jill Willis, Matt Barry and Tina Walker are first up and their enthusiasm was palpable.
The 10 Minute Presentation
We then went into the 10 minute presentation introduced as always this week’s sartorial paragon who in true “madam malaprop” fashion talked or Redding Wings……… you don’t need to know the context, only what he said.
He then went on to introduce Richard Reed whose turn it was this week. We were already attuned to Richard and his wares as he had occupied 2 ½ minutes of the 60 second round in doing his 60 second presentation. He carried on where he left off and told in conjunction with the screening of his website how started, details of what he does, and to the general consent of those of you who have used him, how well he does it. Richard is a member that we can recommend with confidence and he produced a very interesting presentation which hopefully will ensure that the referrals keep coming.
Next week I anticipate we can look forward to another well attended meeting which, if like this week, will be lively business like and entertaining.