What do Terry Maylin, Vincent Goode, Colin O’Connor, Tina Walker, Matt Barry, Howard Bullock and myself got in common? We are all members of the Banana Bunch. Members who exhibited in one form or another at today’s meeting…..a banana!
This week Howard Bullock was Top Banana in his almost obscene luxuriation in the skinning and consuming of said fruit. Let’s try and get the numbers up next week and see who can win the accolade of Top Banana.
Good attendance again; 20 members and visitors Colin and Aileen O’Connor ( Health and Safety) and Jay French and Stuart Sullivan (builders). Spoiler Alert, both indicated they wished to apply to join.
New Member Induction & Existing Member Renewal
Terry Maylin announced Mason Edwards’ renewal of membership and also reminded us of the need to get visitors to our meeting. Those who invited visitors to our Visitors day, get feedback and a return from those who attended and those who did not attend, get them along to join us next week.
The Performance League
Top Banana Howard Bullock is out front. Tina Walker and Kevin Radford following closely behind.
Education Presentation
It was Ben Golding himself who delivered this week. Good it was too. We all divide up into colours apparently:
Knowing this you should know how to approach the different types to your advantage.
The 60 Second Round
There was a noticeable change of mood this week….more upbeat. Those who have thrived continue to do so; others confirmed an upturn of business however small.
John Freeman showed us porcelain plank tiling which gives the feel of postmodernist bathrooms throughout the house. It was probably just the light.
Stuart Smallcombe has posted a blog warning of how to avoid excess service charges. “Bill Shock”
Matt Barry is involved in a campaign with Brentwood Council to warn of the dangers surrounding the “Lurgie”
Brian Painter has had a warning from his governing body of the dire consequences for members of his profession giving a client the Lurgie by direct contact
Alan Moller is suddenly very busy and as if to prove he was broadcasting from his van looking very relaxed
Nick Cooke is into Garden Rooms. Apparently “Screw Piling” makes it easier and cheaper. We already had Bill Shock from Stuart now its Screw Piling from Nick.
Dean Caldon awarded the Oscar to the Mayor of Gants Hill for his excellent cross-examination of one or two members about him and his business….and they got the right answers. Phew !
10-minute Q&A Session
Instead of our regular 10-minute presentation, this week we had a questions and answers section which provoked a range of questions from our members and some excellent and informative answers. Adding these sessions to the meeting on an occasional basis is a great way to find out more detail about what we all do.
Referrals Round
A good referrals round. That’s all for this week; keep eating the bananas.
Have you guys gone bananas?
Very good read indeed.
Stay safe and alert 🍌
I’m very pleased and proud to be a member of the first banana bunch!
Great to see the visitors and especially great that they are looking to join our ranks
well done on those that asked and answered the questions, it makes a change to the normal format.
Don’t forget to chase up your visitors that you invited to the open day to attend a “real” meeting next Thursday.
The meeting was decidedly upbeat today and as Vince said gets more professional every week . Great to see both visitors want to join . Well done Vince on the Oscar . I think Dean would have won it if he wasn’t awarding it .
See you all next week armed with a banana .
Great fun and lively meeting this morning! Really good Q & A too!! Fantastic to see the visitors as well!
I’ll have to get a banana for next week!!
Thank you all for a cracking meeting this morning. Congratulations to the Mayor of Gants Hill on winning the Oscar, Ben Ben’s colourful Ed slot and an informative 10-minute Q&A. Have a good week one and all and, remember, stay alert!
P.S. Did you know that, botanically, a banana is actually a berry? Intereting huh.
Lively meeting today and a great Q&A. Well Done Ben for ed slot and Major or Gants Hill winning the oscar. Stay safe and see you all next week.
Enjoyable meeting. Did you know that there is a Banana Museum in California? And that bananas float in water, along with watermelons and apples. See you all next week 🙂
Do they all have to be together in a group to float and therefore a effectively a fruit salad.
Another Great meeting really enjoyed the Q&A session .Ben’s ed slot was spot on we have been for a while tailoring our approach to each client based on this and it seems to work well. So as you all get on with business “Let’s Be Careful Out There” have a great week
Great ed-slot from Ben this morning.
Not sure I bought Paul D’s story that he “accidentally” bought 6kg of bananas.
It’s true! I had about 40 of the things. The delivery driver must have thought I had a pet chimp. I ended up taking loads in to work, making banana bread and still had plenty to go round.
I’ve heard tales of other idiots, sorry customers receiving huge quantities of bananas when they meant to buy 6. Why am I not surprised….
I believe you Paul . Howard has obviously been shielded from the perils of online shopping. We have ordered several things too large or teeny weeny .
Did the Banana Bunch come over on the banana boat? I do have a nabana (I know!) now and again.Good to see the virtual meetings bearing fruit (I know) by resulting in new members. Well done, Vinnie baby on your Oscar wining performance. Such an exhibitionist!
Good turn out, lively meeting and visitors who want to join. Congrats. to Ben Ben and Vince and of course to our table topping Howard. B2C what B2C 🙂
Another good meeting, and well done Ben on the Ed Slot. And great news on the new victims…I mean members.
A colourful meeting (thanks Ben!) sorry I had to bail mid way through