Missed 2 weeks on holiday…. the shock to my system was not getting up early in the morning after 2 weeks break but finding that it was pitch black when I did. It was only just light at 7am. That coupled with Tina Walker’s mention of Christmas was capable of bringing on all the suicidal tendencies that the members might have, Fortunately, an excellent turnout, a great Ed Slot and a very amusing 60 second round lifted the gloom. Nikhil Shah then produced 10 minutes that only briefly touched on pictures of peoples rotting teeth.
I sort of digress ….maybe we should go back to the beginning.
Education Presentation
The Ed Slot’s theme delivered by our resident Education and Development Officer began with the question “are you a plodder or a sprinter”. He then went on to extol the virtues of being a plodder. No flash in the pan for him. “consistency and plodding can be a good thing..”. I don’t think this accurate assessment of good quality services will necessary sell us to the outside world but… hey ho!!!!
The 60 Second Round
Nick Cooke kicked things off with the statement “ there is no such thing as rising damp”. He had a book to prove it and suggested that we would be better employed believing in the tooth fairy. If you need to know more I am afraid you will have to read the book. I have to say, I really couldn’t care less…
Jo Eastwood made a virtue of dampness. Two glasses of red wine a day will make for a “better sex life”. So much quotable stuff this week.
Marcelle Saad kept the momentum going. She talked of aaftercarein relation to jewellery and talked about worn claws. Not something for the blokes really.
Nikhil Shah brought up the question of regulators. He has just suffered at the hands of regulators but was successful. He suggested that we “…embrace the regulators…”. Alan Shaw was not really impressed with this. He has to face building inspectors and planners. He was less than enthusiastic. John Hammond on the other hand did not know what the problem was all about. His industry does not have any regulators whereas Alan Moller does, with the NIC. As an acronym this is something you will have to check out for yourselves but he is governed by them; last time he had a blinding result. Talking about regulation, Terry Maylin explained the new regulatory regime that will apply to anybody trying to pursue debtors who are individuals or sole traders. These are a series of hoops that he can help you jump through, but frankly feels it all a bit too touchy feely.
This week Scott Griffiths was wearing 2 hats. In fact they were caps; one was white and one was black. I think he was trying to illustrate that there is a dark side to his industry he considered himself “sort of light grey”.
The School of Whimsey had already struck, Nick Cooke with his lack of rising damp and Alan Shaw, all of a dither over building inspectors and planning officers. Brian Painter however can always be expected to step up to the plate. He managed to cure a client who wanted to be able to put chicken pizza or pasta into his mouth without gagging. He was successful with this. Guess what? The same client came back with a similar problem but this time it was vegetables. Frankly he would probably be better off spitting them out rather than incurring further fees with the Pilgrim but if you really want to eat broccoli and cauliflower look no further than Mr P.
I have already mentioned that Tina Walker was talking about Christmas and therefore will get no further mention in this Blog.
Mike Rogers has a favourite book, “The Flying Rabbit”. He did mention at the end however the current excellent fixed rate deals there are around. This did have something to do with The Flying Rabbit but I really can’t remember quite what.
Matt Barry is looking to be commissioned by property developers. Apparently he is open to offers from anyone from Shenfield to Sheffield.
I really have tried to avoid mentioning David Plumley again simply because he pretended to be a car and used a plate a steering wheel. He “drove” round the tables and then “backed up”. This was his illustration of backing up with reference to computers.
Sense was restored by the award of the Oscar to Cathy Neat who was all cupcakes and construction workers. It was a shame that the 60 second round had to come to an end but it did.
This weeks statistics and points of note
- Paul Booth is in the lead of the Performance League.
- 21 members were present
- 21 referrals were made
- £7,550.00 worth of business was recorded
10 minute presentation by Nikhil Shah
Nikhil Shah, as I referred to earlier, was the presenter and he produced an interesting slide show that demonstrated his business’ what it did, how it did it and then it illustrated his talents with some rather frightening shots of the inside of people’s mouths. He declared his spare time interest of making things out of Lego. This made those of us who had appreciated his presentation realise that this was more like work than pleasure. Great effort Nikhil.!
It was a bloke with perfect teeth (Scott Griffiths) who won the speakers’ prize. Irony is always round the corner at our meeting.
The Referrals Round was lively and rounded off an excellent meeting that actually finished on time.
Sorry l missed it guys but sometimes one has to “work”.
Perfect teeth eh! Not quite but thanks Aidan.
A great meeting as usual.
what a great and appropriate image for Nikhil. good meeting everyone
Very interesting and professional 10 minutes great lively meeting and plenty of business referral opportunities.
I was going to give Aiden 10 out of 10 for his return blog, BUT, 9 out of 10 Aiden, no mention of me 😉
Great 10 minutes from Nihil, I use a variety of adhesive’s that could hold a set of dentures in place, but it probably wouldn’t taste to good, plus you may never get them out again.
See you all next week 😊
Another great meeting, worth getting up for in the morning, cheers, Alan
Having spent my Thursday helping 6 year olds to travel back in time…I’ll be glad of the early start again this week and a return to EBF 🙂
An enjoyable read well done Aidan. Sounds like another great meeting.