Alan was desperate to stop smoking. He was approaching 40 and he said that he was not as fit as he used to be.
His wife was expecting their first child and that was another powerful reason to stop.
Alan had tried just about all the quit smoking products on the market but none had been successful and he had an allergic reaction to patches.
He was sceptical about trying to stop smoking with hypnotherapy but a friend who did stop smoking  with hypnotherapy at Pilgrim Hypnotherapy persuaded him to at least try it and said  he would also get a 12 months guarantee.
Alan had two sessions and was amazed how effective the therapy was.
He said that apart from the important health issues he was saving about £3,600 a year and feeling fitter and healthier.
The post How to stop smoking with hypnotherapy appeared first on Pilgrim Hypnotherapy.
This blog post was originally featured on this members own blog.