Guest Blog written by Terry Maylin at TM LAW LIMITED on 5th July 2018.
Even better attendance than last week with 22 members present and A guest Chairman in the form of Vincent Goode.
Performance League
Well done to Scott Griffiths who narrowly won the performance league for the month of June with Jill Willis second and Saj Sreedharan third.
Education Presentation
Jill Willis explained to us that as a result of lack of brand loyalty anymore, it is necessary for us to exploit our competitive advantage while things are good – especially at the start of a business relationship but that this effort has to continue if you want to keep your customer
The 60 Second Round
The 60 second round was a very lively affair, some of the highlights being:Mason Edwards, explaining why they sometimes turn away work in this case because their customer believed he knew more than them about the job, Terry Maylin explained how he is helping clients get back a property worth three quarters of a million pounds that they carelessly lost, Matt Barry told how his company will design logos and brands and design anything as long as the client is called “Dave”, Dean Caldon explained the clever tactics his company uses to help sell properties that would otherwise be slow to sell, David Plumley demonstrated how to destroy a hard drive once it is finished with namely an axe, a hammer or a drill through it, Ellen continued to scare us with details of where we might find asbestos in our homes, in this case the tank holding water in the loft- which is fine as long as it is left alone! Anna showed us a beautiful wedding photo album bound in leather and Scott Griffiths told us we all need an “S” in our website address to please google in terms of security!
The Oscar (awarded by Matt (Dave) Barry) was won by David Plumley for his simple but effective demonstration of how a hard drive should be destroyed when finished with.
This weeks statistics and points of note
The business passed so far this week was very good and there a great number of referrals- 24 in fact!
10-minute Questions and Answers session
As there was no 10 minute speaker this week there was an excellent question and answer session which led to us now knowing that when you are on hold on the telephone, you are still being recorded from Stuart Smallcombe, the best place for the small powder fire extinquishers that Syd is promoting is in the kitchen and that JPEG means Joint Photographic Experts Group ! The Q&A session always a mine of useful information!
Meeting Summary
A speedy session of referrals and confirmation that the next synergy meeting is on Tuesday 10th July at Reids at 4-20 pm with all welcome, the meeting came to an end and our hearty congratulations to an excellent guest Charimanship by Vincent Goode.
Great to see all the ‘Daves’ this week. Looking forward to seeing all the ‘Staceys’ next week
well done Vince on your guest chairmanship, good job, really enjoyed the Q&A i always learn something new!!
Well done Vince, much better than last week!
Wow, Terry, so glad my ed slot actually educated 🙂 Great meeting everyone!!!
A good meeting run by Vincent. If you look at Stuart’s comments it was the Goode following the bad! However, I thought both deputies were excellent. An interesting Q and A. Can you believe the you can be heard “on hold.” I normally hum along with the tune. A couple of years I actually bought Churchill’s on hold music!
Well done Lord Vincent, you chaired a very good meeting indeed.
Well done Scotty G for winning the performance league too good effort.
Excellent 60 seconds from David
Very good questions asked and top answers provided especially from Terry about the PCN’s and also the CCJ’s.
Have a good week everyone and see you on Thursday.
“ it’s coming home”
Great job Vincent, really enjoyed you being chairman this week. A great meeting sorry I left early as it sounds like the Q&A part was good, see you all next week 🙂
sounds like i missed a good ‘un, see you all next week.