Chairman’s Business Networking Blog, Thursday 2nd October 2014.
Well another month is over, characterised by really good attendance levels, an average amount of business passed, but business recorded (£40,000). The clear winner of the performance league – Kevin Radford. How does he do it… he gives lots of referrals; he probably has the same opportunities as all of us but he recognises them and converts them for the members benefit. We could all learn from his consistency. It doesn’t stop it from being irritating though!
So what of today’s meeting? Well attendance was good, 21 members and one visitor, Marcus Brown, who has submitted an application for membership. Welcome once again Marcus.
So the first meeting of the month starts with a new member joining. It was also greeted by a guest speaker for the Ed Slot, our Pilgrim Brian Painter. He managed to turn the Ed Slot into a mini 60 seconds but he is forgiven because he introduced the family McFarquaharson. This was not the only time the McFarquaharson’s were to appear in the meeting and I am sure it won’t be the last. This ill fated family needs more than hypnotherapy but more of that later.
What about the 60 second round.
Well, despite the absence of Nike Cooke whimsy characterised many of the offerings. Its principal exponent, Alan Shaw, said that a lot of his clients were waiting for decisions from organisations such as local authorities; it has been a slow week. Our architect looked a little glum but brightened up when he remembered he was reshaping someone’s house internally. We have to assume that it is at the consent of the owner. He was not alone however in his musings about the inexplicable. David Plumley, extolling the virtues of Windows 7, talked about Windows 8, then Windows 8 ½ and then asked us what came next. Windows 10 of course… stupid. Alex Pink seemed set to disturb our mundane preconceptions of national institutions. We have all heard of “Avon Calling”. He burst the bubble by revealing that on line videos are being used as a training tool for Avon reps. Not so much as “Avon Calling”, as Avon on line. Even Mike Rogers reverted to whimsy with his top tips, which I cannot remember but I know that one of the two of them was the fact that he is a wonderful mortgage broker. Everybody seemed to be joining in; Paul Booth is looking for dormant companies and Stuart Smallcombe has a technological event on the 15th October 2014 where you can see 3D printers. I am going to turn up just in case a 3D printer can produce Princess Leah for me. Finally, to top it all, Scott Griffiths had been up all night and had a quiet 60 seconds as we contemplated exactly who he was and what he actually did.
Brian Painter started off cheerfully enough, he started telling of somebody who enjoyed DIY and we just wondered what the phobia would be. Silly of us all…he then went on to list that we use in acetone in DIY as paint stripper. He then alluded as to how Kim would remove her make up (didn’t notice whether she was wearing any or not……subtle!). All of this of course inevitably led to theme of the poisons that are in a cigarette and suddenly we all felt more at home. Because he comes on late in the proceedings it also doesn’t affect the digestion of our breakfast. It was Janice Bentley-Pearson that caught the eye of Paul Booth, because she was pointing the way to a £2,000 voucher. That’s the sort of thing that appeals to an accountant.
I have not mentioned Richard Read in relation to the 60 second round, which normally is a cause for comment by him to this Blog anyway. However I have saved my reference to our worthy travel organiser because it was his turn for the 60 seconds. His gentle tones helped us exercised those muscles in our ears that enable us to detect the faintest of sounds but as always his enthusiasm for what he does came over and the reasons why he is one of our members that we can refer with confidence.
And so to the referrals and testimonials round. This section of the meeting was replete with referrals, over 25 in number and these did not include the McFarquaharson referrals from an unusually cheerful Mike Rogers. I have high hopes for keeping him cheerful this winter as the Golf Club seem to be doing extensive extension and renovation work to the car park.
A mention must finally be made of two charitable efforts that show the resilience of our members. Kim Redwood-Lee will not be with us next week as she is doing her charitable desert marathon and Howard Bullock, who has well and truly embarked upon his bare legathon. We will be treated to the vision of his legs right up until Christmas and we are actually contemplating making payments to him for this pleasure……..? Terry and I decided that apart from a donation for this worthy effort that this donation would be doubled when he finally dons a pair of trousers after Christmas.
I for one will be on holiday next week so I will miss you all until my return the following week
Great Lively meeting – well done Howard – mind you its easy when its as warm as it was this week- wait til the snow!
Good to see Marcus again and keen to join- lets have some more guests
Yes Aidan, an excellent meeting – good humour included. I can only assume that you are in either in holiday mode or still fantasising about Princess Leah because not only is it STILL “Reed” (been here before) but (apparently) I had the coveted 60 second slot??
Another good ‘un.
Don’t worry Terry. I shall stay the course! Great meeting and thanks to all who have donated thus far….
I think a pair of fishnets would go well with Howard’s shorts!
Richard, your 60 seconds seemed more like 10 minutes.
This must have been a good meeting because I distinctly saw Mike smile on several occasions . Well done Aidan on a very good précis of the meeting , don’t listen to old grumbly Richard ,it sounded like several others couldn’t listen. Fortunately us young ones at the front heard a very good account of why we should use Richard and I for one have no hesitation in endorsing him (mind you I will do anything to get a referral)