With my lightning fast reflexes meaning my 5.15am alarm was off before it woke the whole house, I was washed, dressed and at our weekly networking fest before the team at Calcott Hall Farm had even unlocked the front door. My earliness was less about an eagerness to be there, and more about needing to adjust my alarm clock.
However, it was nice to catch up with a few people before things started proper. With 23 of us, including one guest, in attendance, it proved to be as fun, interesting and useful a meeting as always. With Aunty Jane stepping into the Chair in Aidan’s absence, we were soon underway with the performance League.
The Performance League
The competition is already heating up after just one week! Paul Corrigan claimed 3rd place with 83 points, while I’m second with 93. However, way out in front with a draw dropping 149points is the handsome face of EBF live chat, Scott Griffiths. One day, I dream we’ll see “Pauls B, C and D” at the top of the leader board, but, for now, as Meat Loaf once sang, “two out of three aint bad”.
Education Presentation
Whilst missing from the Performance League podium this week, Paul Booth did deliver this week’s Education Slot and reminded us of the importance of balancing content and delivery when doing a 60-second presentation. His advice was clear: speak confidently and avoid rushing or mumbling – otherwise, even great content will lose its impact. Paul also stressed the power of being specific when asking for referrals and shared a bold takeaway: when selling your services, bad news or fear can be effective hooks to engage potential clients. Food for thought, indeed!
The 60 Second Round
Continuing on the Paul theme, reigning Oscar Winner Paul Corrigan kicked of this round with an energy saving tip: keep your thermostat at 18C all year round, turning it up to 21C when you feel a bit nippy. Continuing on the subject of household bills, Ben Ben Golding highlighted that Utility Warehouse had recently been named the UK’s most trusted energy provider. Meanwhile, James Humphrey’s showed off his “Have I Mentioned My Breakfast Club” Award presented to him by colleagues for his constant wanging on about EBF. That’s exactly the sort of commitment we like, James.
Mike Skinner went for a very different approach with a short quiz about photography and film. I can’t remember the exact questions, but I know that my answers of: 1896, 4, Frozen and 1949 were definitely wrong! Matt Barry sported a new shacket (who knew there was such a thing?) to illustrate how he can help with business names as well as branding, and Jane emphasised that there is a fine line between fussiness and customisation, but that she is always happy to accommodate both to ensure her customers get exactly what they want.
One way to get exactly what you want is to use EBF members, as Stuart Smallcombe can testify. With input from Scott Griffiths, Matt Barry and Catherine Foley, Stuart has a new company website which he is really pleased with. At the time of writing, it has been viewed 1,276 times – mainly by Stuart.
However, our winner today showed he had been listening to the education slot by using fear as a hook. At Ammo Hive, Blake Hammond’s products can keep you warm if you are freezing to death and help you be found if you are lost in the woods. Punchy, clever and impactful – a well-deserved winner.
Membership Matters
Terry Maylin was delighted to announce that two members, Paul Corrigan and Stuart Smallcombe, have earned the much converted EBF Mark Of Excellence. Well done chaps! Additionally, Mike Skinner’s membership has been renewed for another year.
10-minute presentation by David Moore
This week’s 10 minute presenter was David Moore of Moore Flooring. Despite his youthful looks, David has been working in the flooring trade for 20 years and clearly knows his stuff!
As well as providing us with a bit about his background, he explained why it’s important to get a flooring specialist in if you want your floors to be laid properly, to last and have a faultless finish.
Armed with various props including a giant food mixer (used for mixing subfloor preparations), various sacks and bottles of sealants, compounds and the like, and an oversized pair of shoes which would also do a good job of aerating your lawn, David illustrated his expert knowledge perfectly.
Despite clearly being nervous, David did well. Oh, and he now has stall on Brentwood High Street on a Saturday if you want to find out more about the incredible range of flooring he provides and fits!
Referrals and Testimonials
The referrals round didn’t disappoint, with 15 referrals handed in and numerous “thank you for the money” slips exchanged. A quick reminder: the EBF Year-End Review is coming up, so be sure to log your activity in the members’ portal.
With the meeting wrapping up around 8:30 a.m., we all headed off to continue our days. As for me, I’ve made a note to adjust my alarm next week and avoid waiting in the cold for those doors to open! Have a fantastic week, everyone!
Great fun and busy meeting! And congrats to David on his first 10 minutes!
For the record though, my membership hasn’t been approved yet 😂
Ah! Right! In this post truth age, the blog is king, so congrats Mike 🤣
it has now !!
Great meeting with interesting contributions from everyone – hopefully this made up for your horribly early start, Paul D!
Excellent meeting! Lively and fun!!
Great Ed slot from Paul B – helping us all get our 60 seconds up to scratch!!
Fab 10 mins from David!! Goes to show you really do know your stuff!!
Very worthy Oscar winner too!!
Well done for a great blog Mr Delieu!!
A great lively meeting and well done Dave on getting your first 10 minute presentation out of the way- it will get easier from here on in. Well done Blake too for being awarded the best 60 seconds- very well deserved! Great to see Kory back and more news on his membership application shortly…
Thanks all for a fabulous meeting, as always. I’m away next week learning and refining my craft, but will be thinking of you all!
Another great meeting at EBF good to see so many in attendance. Dave did a great job of explaining the importance of preparing a surface for flooring or tiling he clearly knows his stuff. His big mixer could certainly make a huge batch of scones … according to Jane.
Apparently bad news is good news when it comes to referrals… I should be fine then.
Nice to see everyone again. Such a great group to be a member of.
Fab education slot Paul. It was a really interesting 10 minutes, David.
Have a good week, everyone
Good meeting this morning, lively and fun. Well done David on your first presentation.
Thanks for the blog Paul D. Well done to Dave on his first 10 minutes – they only get easier from now on!
What a great Blog, almost as good as the legend that is Aidan!
I also dream of a top 3 of all the Pauls, one day!
Thanks to you all for a great meeting
A lively and fun meeting and worth the early start as always.
Great education slot from our Accountant Paul, who says that bad news is good news when giving our 60 seconds!
Great first 10 minutes from our flooring specialist David. Interesting and informative. I’ll leave laying floors to the professionals!
I wonder if Toby found his duck?
Duck was “found” in Tina’s handbag strangely!
Great meeting this morning although I thought I would be late (over slept). Great to see Korby our visitor from last week come back, well done Dave on your first 10 minutes, great ed slot Paul B. and Toby got his duck