Chairman’s Blog Meeting Thursday 18th July 2013
28 present including 2 guests, Danielle, Kim Redwood-Lee’s daughter and Nige Kirby from the Billericay Meeting.
A really good turnout given the holiday season and the increased numbers gave the meeting a real buzz.
With the good weather came the desire of some to expose themselves, I can report that Ed Crocker, Scott Griffiths, Richard Reed and Nige Kirby all sported a nifty line in shorts. All shorts reached the knee and therefore minimum leg was exposed.
The Ed Slot was delivered by Jason who gave us his particular slant on EBF, seeing it a “business church”. In doing so he revealed an important part of our organisation, namely the regular contact between members not only on a 1-2-1 basis but by way of the collective email. This week I was helped by 5 members when I was looking for a business that could help in property maintenance. There is support out there for all manner of queries that members might have and it is nice to see members usefully connecting with one another to assist their business in the broadest of senses. A good Ed Slot Jason.
So we had members resplendent in shorts, we have a reminder of how we are able to work together in the group and this launched us into a very entertaining 60 second round.
Alan Shaw sporting his Elton John white glasses told of a visit to a health spa housed in a Georgian building that had been done less than justice in conversion. He made some sort of reference to rubbed brickwork and I think the idea was that we had to use our imagination as to what referrals would be most appropriate.
From the white of Alan Shaw’s glasses to the vivid blue of Marcelle’s jacket which complemented her theme of being able to provide jewellery for those special occasions. Once she got onto birthdays, particularly with a 0 at the end of them, she perhaps dampened the enthusiasm of some of the older members but Alan Pegg was man enough to confess that he was 60 and that his wife thinks he should watch the more intimate television programmes. It seems she felt it more appropriate to have him schooled in the intimate arts rather than the impenetrable mysteries of golf. Mike Rogers is also feeling his age and suggested that we all did 1 2 1’s with each other for him and about his wonderful mortgage advising capacity. I assume that is only supposed to apply to the under 60’s.
Nick Cooke leads an interesting life. Apparently he is about to inspect a swimming pool but he envisaged his visit being confined to the boiler room in order to discover why the swimming pool was leaking. Surely goggles flippers and an air tank would enable him to inspect all corners of the pool and also keep cool.
Things started getting more exciting when Kevin Radford stood up and talked about the Cyber Men and Doctor Who. The serious point is that cyber hackers can cause damage for which he can provide insurance. Ed Crocker spoke about unusual loads including; live sturgeon, a scale model of the Eiffel Tower that was unusually being transported to a model village. A model Paris would presumably would have been more appropriate. He also revealed that Baby Bel a French cheese is made in Kent and that he was shipping a load out to the Tour de France, sounds like the beginning of the campaign for the yes vote for the membership of the EU. The crescendo of interesting things that members have been up to culminated with Graham Thurston’s offering. Apparently he has been “doing” a lot of Chinese people, squelchy carpets being replaced by something more suitable to the restaurant trade, bamboo might be an idea. Apparently he is about to go off and “do” some Indians. It wasn’t quite clear whether these were North American or Asian Sub Continent Indians but is made think that I lead a rather dull life. This is perhaps further evidenced by the pleasure I derive in presenting this Blog to you.
Nigel Kirby rounded off the 60 second round, as a visitor, promoting both his Gas Safety credentials and his alter ego as a singing DJ. Surely such all round talent must appeal to any serious entertainment outlet.
It was left to Scott Griffiths to award the Oscar again, last weeks winner David Plumley being absent. He awarded it to John Probert for a rather neat little poem advertising the benefits of Utility Warehouse. This theme was maintained in the 10 minute slot which was also John Probert. He gave a very helpful explanation of his business set up and what he is looking for as far as people to join his team are concerned. A very useful 10 minutes which I am sure will produce further business for him.
Prior to the 10 minutes presentation Richard Reed presented the Synergy Team-Business to Consumer – report. The group is progressing well in producing a leaflet to be circulated by leaflet drop in due course. Apparently this will advertise the services of 11 of the group. Richard is very successfully driving forward this group in a very constructive way. I know it is hot in the evenings but please try and attend at least 1 Power Group per month, not for my but for your benefit.
Finally and perhaps most importantly the referrals and testimonial round was a good one. 29 referrals and recorded business passed at £12,725.00.
The only other really interesting part of the meeting came when Scott had the temerity to suggest that Kim Redwood-Lee was promoting discrimination in advertising her ladies networking lunch. He was warned, and it all ended in tears or almost. He was saved from being turned into a pillar of salt by a timely intervention from yours truly getting the meeting moving in another direction.
The final direction of the meeting was the announcements section when Terry Maylin confirmed the Garden Party on 4th August 2013 at chez Squire. He will be sending round an email closer to the date and directions will be given. We will need positive confirmation of who is attending in the week leading up to the event so that catering can be effectively managed.
In summary, the sun shone attendance was good and the meeting was even better, I can only hope that we have equal if not better attendance next week a cloudless sky and another good meeting.
An entertaining and rewarding meeting. Scott’s indignation reminds me of a brave cavalry charge against insurmountable odds but he lived to fight another day.
I am on a Kevin next week so have a great meeting.
Im sorry but those cybermen are just too modern I was remembering the far more terrifying black and white ones that were dressed in tin foil, maybe it was just that I was younger but dont those ones in the picture above turn up at nightclubs and parties
Yet another excellent meeting, effective networking with good banter thrown in as well.
I’ll have to revert back to my old method of stating the prices for holiday offers though as that way I always got another mention because of Aidan’s miss interpretation…
Great meeting everyone. Hopefully we can see July out with a blinding performance next week.
Enjoy your break, Paul.
Good meeting and a very interesting 10 mins should generate a lot of business