Chairman’s Business Networking Blog for Tuesday 11th February 2014.
20 members present and 2 visitors Dean Caldon from the Brentwood Meeting and Tim Farmer, Basil Fawlty Impersonator…and I am proud to record at the outset that we reached the end of the meeting without mentioning the war!
Paul Lefever attended his first meeting as a new member despite not having received my telephone voice mail message congratulating him . Somewhere in the country there is someone saying “ ‘Eh!, our mother, did you ‘ear that message from a bloke from EEEEE,BF”. There was also one really outstanding apology for absence, Iain Douglas actually attended specifically for this purpose, an effort that properly deserves points.
New member Vivienne Nwalema was duly inducted and received her EBF goody bag.
Nige Kirby delivered his usual helpful Ed Slot emphasising the benefit of 1-2-1’s. Our resident plumber was looking particularly nifty this week. As the American novelists would say, “…he was casually dressed in slacks and loafers with an open neck shirt with sufficient top buttons to his shirt opened to reveal his neatly manicured chest…” He brushes up quite well doesn’t he? You don’t have to answer this question but if you are really moved to do so make it a comment to this Blog. Anyway the reason for his splendid attire was the fact that he was giving a Gas Safety Workshop.
Then in the 60 second round was urging us to find clients for him, to produce Gas Safety Certificate. Later on Paul Lefever asked for the same in relation to Electricity Certificates.
Richard Willis has now firmly established himself as a “kinda” folk hero. I was counting and it was 14 this week. If we can get him really excited there is a chance we might break 20. Keep your ears open next week.
Newly inducted Vivienne felt that she should tell us about international on line portal systems. She certainly could but next week she ought to explain what those are.
Interesting fact of the week from Robert Osborne who followed Robert Mayes just to emphasise the London Bus “theory”…. any way, the piece of information of the week was that if you have an online betting account you probably won’t get a mortgage. What surprised me most about this fact was that mortgage lenders can actually be sensible at times in their regulation, not something I usually expect to find and I have dealt with mortgage lenders a lot over the years.
Brian Painter is always worth a mention, if only to find out the phobia of the week. This week was fear of pigeons. Apparently this fear arose from pigeons flying up into the clients face. This is a departure of the usual fear of pigeons was occurs when they fly over head.
Hugo Heij questioned us on the booklet that he left us last week. He enquired whether we have read it. Some of us sheepishly owned up to having done so. He then recommended that we passed it on. I found a unique way of dealing with this; I put a piece of string around the top corner and hang it in the one room in the house where people will sit down for a long time. I will let you know next week how successful this is.
By now the meeting was getting interesting,…. and then Adam Hotson stood up and told us how he was looking for people who needed to produce monthly or quarterly accounts.
Fortunately he was followed by Mark Waller who was looking forward to Valentine’s Day and Stuart Sinclair to Mothers Day and Easter. If any of you can remember the significance of these dates other than the said Waller and Sinclair, please enter them into your comments to this Blog.
Anne Clarke declared herself to be a small business person, something that we all knew but it was left to Jim Henshaw to link insurance companies with sexual practices, it was all too much for Stuart Sinclair who promptly awarded him the Oscar.
This weeks 10 minute presentation was from Peter Hall, passionately and very movingly extolling the virtues of Little Havens Hospice. This could prove to be a very worthwhile connection for the group. Thanks very much Peter.
Things are picking up, in the referrals round, 10 passed this week and an acknowledgment of 1-2-1’s, particular at this early stage of development of the group, by Scott offering double points in the performance league for 1-2-1’s conducted this month.
The meeting adjourned to the photographs which no doubt will produce some attractive mug shots for the Website.
See you all next week.
Great meeting once again. Peter’s 10 minutes were extremely moving and informative – we have already discussed working together this year & arranged a visit to the hospice, which is great!
I must congratulate Jim once again for his outstanding 60 seconds. Very humorous and well deserving of the Oscar this week, although Brian was a close runner up, purely for always reaching exactly 60 seconds in the round – and for continually cracking out the jokes too!
Looking forward to seeing everyone next week. If anyone does have any referrals for Mother’s Day or Easter sensitive advertising, please pass their details on to me – It would be greatly appreciated.
Have a great week everybody!!
Good meeting all, 10 mins sounded good, my gas safe workshop went well, good feedback so far. See you all next week.
Great meeting. Looking forward to Basil’s show in a couple of weeks, but kinda hoping that he doesn’t recognise me. May have to wear some Sybil like shades.
Good meeting, good 10 minutes, good blog good bye.
Very good meeting, the ten minute slot gave a great insight into the work Haven’s Hospice do.
Jim’s 60 seconds certainly livened things up for that time of the morning.
See everyone next week.
As with every week, it was another great meeting. Jim’s 60 seconds certainly provided a highlight.
Another thank you to Peter Hall for an inspiring 10 minutes. The family and I will be signing up for the walk on the 27th April and hoping to raise those much needed funds for Havens Hospice.
Looking forward to next week.
Hello every one I thought peter was excellent on his views about the hospice,
and every week seems as it has potential of becoming a good group of people
on another note, I need to let you all know that I wont be able to make Tuesday 18th
as I have a lot of meetings in London as my work partner Les is on holiday and wont
be back to late on Monday night. So I will be back the following week but I know you
will all enjoy Brian’s toe minute slot.
Kind Regards
Robert Mayes
Enjoyable meeting as usual again with plenty of referrals. Great stuff.