Chairman’s Business Networking Blog Tuesday 24th September 2013
10 present including Dean Caldon from the Brentwood Meeting.
This week Nigel Kirby delivered the Education Slot dealing with the 10 minute presentation. Please consider his comments in the light of the specific education material supplied regarding the 10 minute slot. The important message was, to prepare thoroughly including the length of your presentation, do not just let it ramble on, leave time for questions.
All of which was a good description of how Rosemary Cleave dealt with her 10 minutes at the meeting. As previously, she split her presentation between RMK and her own photographic business. She was well prepared and in particular with RMK pointed out areas of insurance that they covered which we might not have thought of. She also made sure that she dealt separately with her 60 second presentation as a separate presentation. All in all a good performance.
Returning to the 60 second round, when each speaker was asked to nominate the next person to follow him or her, this stretched everybody’s brains at what I suppose was a difficult time of the day.
As a self confessed aging lethario Brian Painter boasted of helping ladies to get pregnant but obviously from an entirely professional point of view. Someone’s mother had apparently talked his subject client into not getting pregnant by “going on and on” about her awful pregnancy. The whole presentation seemed more like an advertisement for contraception but Brian apparently assisted in producing a bouncing baby and is looking for anyone else who requires his assistance in this area.
The main revelation in the 60 second round was that Adam Hotson should now be called “Tom”. At a later meeting you will hear how Scott Griffiths should be called Santa.
If a theme can be drawn from our 60 second seconds then Brian Painters introduction of a possible form of contraception was to be echoed by Dean Caldon, who as a letting agent provides 3 possible services. Let Only, Full Cover and finally, Total Protection, this final package making sure that a landlord does not get any unwanted surprises in looking for a full return from his tenants.
Pride of place and indeed the Oscar was awarded to Nige Kirby by Jim Henshaw for his “ode to DIY” which was a neatly crafted little rhyme that was intended to remind everybody to use him and not try to fiddle with the pipes yourself. As you all know, and in addition to writing poetry, Nigel also sings. Is there no end to this man’s talent!!!
The Meeting Secretary’s Report was substantial.
You were all invited to provide tweets for the website advertising your own business. 140 characters only. Watch out for the materials that are going to be circulated later on this week.
A more detailed introduction of “a New Member in November but in October” was explained. Please remember the forfeit of having to wear a dress to the next following meeting after the end of October if you have not brought a guest to the meeting!
It was a rollover week for the speakers prize and there were several referrals to choose from. Scott was the winner.
A reminder to you all that Nigel Kirby is well out in front of the Performance League. If only to avoid embarrassment at the end of October please make the invitations to potential visitors through the website and get ahead in the Performance League
I look forward to a meeting overflowing with visitors next week.
Good meeting, thanks for listening to me ramble :o)
Those scrambled eggs were lush – Jim please can you request this again for next week?
I’m having a week of in October so hopefully that will give the others a chance to catch up, good 10 mins Rosemary.