Chairman’s Business Networking Blog, Tuesday 4th February 2014
Numbers just keep on improving!! 21 members present and 4 visitors; Hayley Lunt from Lloyds Commercial Banking, 2 Electricians Alan Moller and Paul Lefever (Paul Lefever’s application for membership was approved by the committee at the end of the meeting). Finally Dean Caldon was visiting from the Brentwood meeting.
25 in all.
The Education Slot merged with the new member mass induction which involved Scott Griffiths handing our membership certificates and associated packages whilst Nige Kirby did a running commentary of the contents, I counted 14 new fully fledged members with others to follow next week.
And so we slid into the 60 Second Round.
I am starting to see patterns arise, members who will always provide good copy for my Blog. Mark Heath our French Polisher warned of the dangers of nail varnish. The blokes at least looked interested.
Richard Willis, whilst very eloquently promoting his promotional business used the term “kinda” at least 11 times. No doubt if anybody counted more they will let me know and all their comments to this Blog!
Fred Harcourt nailed his colours to the mast. Our painting and decorating Guru doesn’t go out in the bad weather. If he went into business with Nige Kirby he would have to further restrict himself as to how far he went towards London! Don’t mention the “R” word.
In fact it is Nige Kirby to whom I would attribute the quote of the week in describing the extent of his job description “…anything that has a pipe going into it…” is apparently at risk of his attention. That would have included my old granddads mouth as he was an avid pipe smoker.
Hugo Heij was back and has joined us. He challenged us to think of all the things we could do in 10 minutes. Come on dear reader, give us your suggestions and don’t let my reference to Mark Waller’s taxi equivalent of the mile high club even cross your mind.
We were all treated, after a delay of some weeks, to Brian Painter waxing lyrical over the more poisonous contents of a cigarette . He concentrated on tar this week. Yes, an average smoker produces a litre and a half of tar in one year. We were then invited to envisage this by reference to bottles of wine and then a tip for the Highways Agency, to use coughing smokers to help resurface the M25. It’s nice to see Brian back to normal.
I could go on and mention what others members produced in their 60 seconds but frankly, it would bore you all silly. My challenge to you all next week is to produce something I can mention in this Blog that is either mildly amusing or thoroughly revolting.
Normally after the 60 second round we work our way to the 10 minute Slot, when somebody has the opportunity of giving a more lengthy explanation of what they do. Like last week however, we devoted the 10 minutes to try and give you all some insight into the 60 Second presentation, the 10 minute Slot and Synergy Teams. Your patience in listening attentively will be rewarded by a return to normal next week with a presentation from Peter Hall.
The referrals and testimonials’ round was lively and with lots of referrals. It bodes well for the value of business which will ultimately be recorded once these referrals have worked their way through the system.
I am looking forward to next week’s meeting already.
Great meeting this week guys. Brian and I will be discussing hypnotherapy for flying and smoking in the coming weeks and I received my first ‘thank you for the business’ slip from Nige Kirby.
Although we will now be fined £1 every time someone utters the forbidden ‘R’ word, this will determine who receives the Oscar for ‘best 60 seconds’ at next weeks meeting.
Pound coins at the ready people!!! Have a great week 🙂
Good meeting guys….we’re certainly getting to know each other better……as well as Nige’s love of all things long and circular!
Scott’s 60 second tutorial helped me……it’s amazing how tough it is to cram information into a minute….without repetition, hesitation or deviation (sounds like an idea for a radio game show!). My goal next week is to try to do just that……without copping a £1 fine.
Have a great week all.
Another great meeting. Something amusing for next week eh? We’ll see……………………..
Great meeting. I don’t have any revolting clients, or even any near the R word. I will have to try and think of something funny for my 60 seconds!
Well done ,Stuart for a good 60 secs which won the Oscar. I wonder how many of us can now name every member?
Looking forward to another good meeting next week
Hello everyone it is good to have a lot of interesting people & comments my little comments are as follows:
Hugo’s 10 minutes my reply is that I have a lot I can do in 10 minutes but I cant repeat over the internet &
Brian’s smoking reply is that I,am so glad that I have never smoked & spitted but not sure about eating my
disorder, Also I think we should put another pound in Peters hospice Jar for people saying they don’t work in London as I have 80% of my contracts working there. looking forward to next week and maybe I may have another friend who may join if we can keep our 1 day deal on.
Thanks Robert
Constructive meeting with lots of referrals given out as we get to know each other better. Looking forward to receiving some back though as I’m sure there is a massive cab requirement throughout our group…
The chairmans comment about the equivalent of the mile high club isn’t too far from the truth but best not go there!
Looking forward to seeing you all next Tuesday …
Thank you for sharing your experience!