A bright sunny morning and I was pleased to be back from my holiday. There were holiday absences but we mustered a very creditable 25 Members and a visiting builder Ford Asprey.
The Performance League
Terry Maylin who was standing in for Scott Griffiths kicked off with the current state of play in the Performance League. In very close order John Freeman, Saj Sreedharan and Scott Griffiths who is in the lead. This is the last week for this month and everything to play for.
Education Presentation by Toby Acton
Toby Acton stood in at short notice. His theme was that if you are doing a job that you are good at and get paid, you should be happy enough but it is sheer bliss if you are doing something that you love. I think I misheard but these people are known by the Japanese as “Geeki Guys”. It might not be quite right but it sounds more appropriate. Really his message was simple, aspire to be Geeki. The 60 second round demonstrated that some of us did so aspire.
The 60 Second Round
Mike Rogers was complaining… nothing new there. This weeks complaint was that he had received far too much business in advance of his up and coming holiday next week. No real sympathy emanated from any other members.
Anna Marie presented two dustpans, one cheep and nasty and the other high end. I think the idea was that the comparison of the two dustpans and brushes illustrated the difference between a crap photographer and her. In a cleansing sort of way it was probably quite appropriate.
This month’s birth stone was emerald but Marcelle Saad concentrated on next month which is the month of the pearl. She outlined five virtues that attached to the pearl. I got lost of when I thought the first one was “lust”. By the time I had realised it was meant to be “lustre” I was too far behind the right the others down. I did pick up on the fact that there were seed pearls and that the bigger the nobbles the better. Life certainly mimics art.
Matt Barry is very much involved with the Brentwood Art Trail, he will let us all have further details so that we can attend.
Simon Essex had a prop, it was a tennis ball. The symbolism was to illustrate that he is looking for recruits for a job in West London, my suggestion that it was ball boys (or girls) he was looking for was not that well received.
You will have gathered from my above mentioned descriptions of the early 60 Second presentations that although the School of Whimsy has been dissolved, whimsey abounded. Former member of said School, Nick Cooke talked about a crane falling onto a house; my vision of a bird with long legs and big wings was soon dispelled. The crane that fell onto a house was far more substantial than this and did an awful lot of damage. Said crane was delivering a very large steel beam. The message is simple. If you want steel beams, not only designing but successful delivery to your home, get in touch with Mr Cooke.
Ben Golding was helping Emma this week by selling the benefits of Utility Warehouse but he went the extra mile and set up her router for her. Any warm glow that we felt towards him was of course immediately dispelled by the production of the blessed purple pig.
John Freeman was a little worst for wear consistent with somebody who has just spent a holiday in Ibiza. This perhaps was simply an attack of nausea because the first job that he had to deal with on his return was a blocked toilet.
Kieran Peaty was bragging his penetration of the M25 ring. No idea what he was talking about!
The Mayor of Gants Hill will have been in business in his constituency for 36 years next week, Some sort of celebration is probably called for but I will leave it to you out there to make the suggestions…and indeed put them into practice.
Jill Willis was so excited by having had such a good week thus far that she could hardly get to sleep last night. She should take a leaf (or indeed a flower) out of Saj Sreedharan book and take flowers to a grave. That should calm her down.
Highlight for me of the 60 second round was Brian Painter’s method of therapy for a woman who kept hearing her mother’s voice in her head. Brian’s simple remedy was to get her to transfer the voice to various parts of her body ending in what he prosaically described as “her bottom”. This is the equivalent of challenging somebody that you fear by imagining them sitting on the Loo. Ah well, he brightened up an already bright day along with a lot of the other contributors.
Pride of place however must go to Terry Maylin who told a tale of how a recently acquired client had been ill served by an unqualified competitor. He successfully put right the bad advice previously received. Dan Wright was suitably moved by this subject matter that he quite rightly awarded the Oscar to Terry.
This weeks statistics and points of note
25 Members present
1 Guest present
23 Referrals
Terry Maylin won the Oscar
10-minute presentation by Dan Wright
Dan Wright, who practises the dark arts of currency dealing through his company FCI Currency Ltd, had many Members puzzled as to precisely how they can find him referrals and indeed exactly what services he does provide. As a first time effort this was a really competent performance by Dan who left us all in no doubt as to the areas of his expertise. This was illustrated by the barrage of questions that greeted the end of his presentation and it looked as if immediately had generated a couple of refferals. This is always a sign of a good presentation if referrals arrive immediately following. All of these revelations by Dan was not perhaps as exciting as learning that he signed up as a professional boxer somewhere back in his distant past and he is currently a Sunday League goal keeper. He left us all a lot to think about but it will certainly enable members to be able to look out for effective referrals for him.
Great meeting as always! Dan’s first 10 minute presentation was exceptional! 👏
Loved Toby’s education stop too!! 😀
Welcome back Aidan!
Great meeting, and a very competent first presentation for Dan “The Slugger” Wright. What ever you do, don’t bell him during his 60 seconds, he will come out fighting…
Excellent meeting and well done Dan.
Great to have Aidan back and again another fantastic meeting.
Brilliant Ed slot from Toby it was intriguing.
Well done to Terry on winning the Oscar fabulous effort their.
A very good and composed ten minutes from Dan a wonderful insight into his life and also his FX trading.
See everyone on Thursday for more fun and business.
Well done Dan, excellent 10 minute presentation and explanation about what you do. Also good to hear from the members as to what they get up to all week and helping us to look out for work for them!
Great meeting and many thanks for positive feedback on presentation. See you all Thursday.
Well done Dan – sounds like it went smoothly for you.
Once again the naughty corner (+ Vince) struck again – sabotaging my otherwise undetectable exit.
Toby, that was quite an amazing spur of the moment Ed slot! Hats off to you! Testament to all the knowledge you have acquired to help us all!
Take care till next time
Great 10 minutes Dan – really gave an insight into what you can do for companies and the strength of your expertise. Looking forward to this week’s meeting
A most enjoyable meeting this week, thank you for the referrals guys, great to have Aiden back, though both Stuart & Howard do excellent work filling in, well done Dan for your first presentation, as I said, I still have no clue 😉 but its good to know you do.
See you all on Thursday 😊
Well done Dan Great 10 minutes ,with a very good explanation of what you do and how you can help business small and larger. It was another great meeting and I do love my Full English breakfast on a Thursday. See all this week
Excellent 10 minutes Dan, clear and precise explanation of a rather tricky specialist topic. We are all clear on the type of business we can refer to you. See you all Thursday!